A girl who doesn't trust anymore
Unsplash / Zulmaury Saavedra

This Is Why She Doesn’t Trust Anymore

She doesn't trust anymore because she feels like it is better to be alone. She feels like she is safer that way. 


A girl who doesn't trust anymore
Unsplash / Zulmaury Saavedra

She doesn’t trust anymore because every time that she trusted someone from her past, they ended up screwing her over. They made her feel stupid for having faith in them. They made her feel like she should have had her guard up, like she should have been more careful.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she has had her heart broken over and over again. She put her faith in people that she honestly believed would never let her down, but they all surprised her. They all proved that they weren’t meant to be trusted.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she would rather think with her head than with her heart. And even though her heart is telling her to open herself up again, to love again, to trust again, her head keeps warning her against being so open. It is telling her to watch her back, to stay on alert.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she has come to terms with the fact that the only person she can trust is herself. At the end of the day, she is the only person that she can count on. She is the only person that will have her best interest at heart.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she feels like everyone that she meets is only out for themselves. They are selfish. They are self-centered. They will choose the easiest path for themselves over the healthiest path for their relationship. They will hurt her before they even think about hurting themselves.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she is smarter now. Less innocent. She knows that her kindness can easily get taken for granted. She knows that there is always a chance that someone will betray her, even if they keep swearing that they would do nothing of the sort.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she has seen some of the most beautiful, intelligent women get betrayed by their partners. She has watched relationships fall to pieces in front of her eyes. She has seen firsthand how cruel other people can be.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she is terrified of looking foolish. She is scared to death of dedicating her life to someone, only to discover that they were sneaking around behind her back. She doesn’t want to look past any red flags. She doesn’t want to miss what is right in front of her.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she is afraid of getting hurt again. She isn’t sure if she could handle one more heartbreak. She has already been through enough. She doesn’t want to suffer again. She doesn’t want to watch her heart get shattered into a million pieces again.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she is done being used. She is finished with feeling like a second choice. She is sick of being treated like she doesn’t matter. She doesn’t want to give anyone the chance to hurt her ever again.

She doesn’t trust anymore because she feels like it is better to be alone. She feels like she is safer that way. Thought Catalog Logo Mark