girl with boy she's interested in
Unsplash / Carly Rae Hobbins

The Difference Between A Boy Who Wants To Sleep With You And A Boy Who Is Authentically Interested

He will have playful conversations with you, but he'll also have meaningful conversations with you. 


girl with boy she's interested in
Unsplash / Carly Rae Hobbins

A boy who only wants to sleep with you is going to compliment you on your physical beauty. On the way that your new haircut falls across your face. On the way your jeans fit tight against your hips. He is going to use heart eye emojis, send you daily snaps, and like the Instagram pictures that you post in your bikini.

A boy who is authentically interested might do all those same things — but he is also going to compliment you on how hard you make him laugh, on how cute your text messages are, on how proud he is of everything you’ve accomplished. He is going to make you feel like more than just a body. He is going to consider you an equal.

A boy who only wants to sleep with you is going to contact you after dark, when the sun is down. When his last shift at work is over and all he wants to do is grab a drink and undress you. He is going to reach out to you at the last second and expect you to show up without any hesitation.

A boy who is authentically interested is going to contact you a week ahead to make sure that you are able to make time for him. He is going to create plans with you and stick to them. He is going to show you that he is someone you can rely on, someone who will show up when he makes that promise.

A boy who only wants to sleep with you is going to ask you to come straight to his house. He will find a way to get you into his room and onto his bed, even if that means lying about only wanting to cuddle or wanting to watch a certain movie with you. He is going to get as close to you as possible as soon as possible, because he doesn’t have any time to waste.

A boy who is authentically interested is going to wine and dine you before bringing you back to his room. He isn’t going to be afraid of being seen with you in public, because he isn’t trying to string you along. You aren’t his side piece or his rebound. You are someone he is proud to hold hands with through a crowd.

A boy who only wants to sleep with you is going to turn every conversation sexual. Even when you try to talk about your day at work or the cute trick your dog did, he’ll find a way to twist your words into something inappropriate. The only thing on his mind is sex and it’s obvious by the way he speaks.

A boy who is authentically interested is going to do more than just flirt with you. He is also going to talk to you about your career, about your family, about your past and present and future. He will have playful conversations with you, but he’ll also have meaningful conversations with you.

A boy who is authentically interested is actually going to answer your texts. He is actually going to set up dates. He is actually going to spend the night and enjoy the morning with you.

He is actually going to put in effort. Thought Catalog Logo Mark