a faithful man
Unsplash / Asaf R

Stay Single Until You Find Someone Faithful

Stay single until you find someone who never acts sketchy. Who never tells stories with details that don't add up. Who never expects their friends to lie for them or expects you to believe bullshit excuses. 


a faithful man
Unsplash / Asaf R

Stay single until you find someone who lets you borrow their phone when yours runs low on battery. Someone who doesn’t get nervous about letting you see their browser history or camera roll, because they have nothing to hide. No strange names will ever pop up on their screen. No secrets will ever reveal themselves.

Stay single until you find someone who values more than sex. Someone who is happy to cuddle with you in bed, even when you’re fully clothed. Someone who would never pressure you into sleeping with them, because they are just happy they get to spend time with you.

Stay single until you find someone honest and authentic. Someone you believe when they tell you where they were and what they were doing. Someone you never doubt is telling the truth.

Stay single until you find someone who saves all of their flirting for you. Someone who is friendly to every coworker and waitress, but never crosses the line into being too friendly.

Stay single until you find someone who updates you on their day. Someone who calls you when they are going to be coming home late from work. Someone who warns you when their ex just walked into the restaurant. Someone who makes sure you know what’s going on.

Stay single until you find someone who you never catch staring at girls wearing tight shirts or yoga pants. Someone who never leaves inappropriate comments on Instagram photos of half-naked women. Someone who only has eyes for you.

Stay single until you find someone who never acts sketchy. Who never tells stories with details that don’t add up. Who never expects their friends to lie for them or expects you to believe bullshit excuses.

Stay single until you find someone who deletes Tinder, Bumble, and their ex’s phone number, because they don’t feel the need to have a backup plan anymore. Because they are serious about committing themselves to you and only you.

Stay single until you find someone who wears their heart on their sleeve. Someone who admits how they feel instead of bottling it up inside. Someone who doesn’t keep anything from you, because they believe you deserve to know it all.

Stay single until you find someone who keeps all of their promises. Someone who shows up when they say they will. Someone who does what they tell you they will do. Someone who is a man of their word.

Stay single until you find someone who is serious about your relationship. Someone who introduces you as their girlfriend. Someone who brings you home for the holidays. Someone who tells everyone that you’re a couple, that you’re in love, that you’re their future wife.

Stay single until you find someone you would never dream of cheating on — and you know would never dream of cheating on you. Someone who isn’t afraid of loving you and committing to you forever. Someone who is actually excited to spend the rest of their life with you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark