30 Real Life Mysteries That Sound Like They Came Straight Out Of An X-Files Episode
"Skinwalker Ranch is a ranch in Northeast Utah where in the 90s the owners reported weird phenomena like giant wolf-like creatures attacking their cattle and taking multiple rifle shots without flinching, then apparently vanishing into thin air, floating orbs of light, bigfoot-like creatures, and cattle mutilations."
4. A ranch in Utah opens up to other worlds
Skinwalker Ranch is a ranch in Northeast Utah where in the 90s the owners reported weird phenomena like giant wolf-like creatures attacking their cattle and taking multiple rifle shots without flinching, then apparently vanishing into thin air, floating orbs of light, bigfoot-like creatures, cattle mutilations, etc.
A team of scientists from the National Institute for Discovery Science (including Colm Kelleher, who wrote a book about the occurrences) camped out on the ranch and reportedly witnessed much of the same, including what appeared to be windows opening into other worlds and a creature climbing through; poltergeist-like, “trickster” activity, such as a surveillance camera being pulled down and gaffer tape being meticulously unwrapped from the cables, all while an adjacent camera picked up absolutely nothing.
The ranch is on land infamous among the local native tribe as being haunted by “skinwalkers,” supposedly powerful shape shifting sorcerers, and has a long history of weird happenings going back decades at least.
The team of scientists, though they all experienced a lot of weird shit, were never able to gather any robust data to report back to NIDS. They got the feeling whatever they were observing knew it was being observed and did not want to be discovered.
The book by Kelleher is Hunt for the Skinwalkers: Science Confronts the Unexplained at a Remote Ranch in Utah. It’s a damned fascinating read.
5. A woman with cancer infected her doctors
The death of Gloria Ramirez
Summary: A woman was brought into the ER suffering from late stage cervical cancer. Her body had an oily sheen to it, her breath smelled like fruity garlic, her blood samples smelled like ammonia and had floating particles in it. Most of the people who worked on her got sick themselves.
6. A man was physically unable to stop eating
The insatiable Tarrare, a French man who could not stop eating. He was said to have an incredibly large mouth with stained teeth, and supposedly had a visible vapor rising off of his body. His parents kicked him out as a teenager because he was literally eating them out of house and home.
He ate any and everything, including live animals, stones, silverware, anything he could get his hands on. The French military even tried employing him as a courier to smuggle documents by eating them.
No doctor was able to find a cause or a cure to his appetite. He was eventually kicked out of the military hospital where they were studying him, after falling under suspicion of eating a 14 month old child that went missing from the same hospital. A reasonable suspicion, since they caught him trying to eat dead bodies in the morgue on several occasions.