Heidi Priebe
Heidi is the author of The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide, and The Comprehensive INFP Survival Guide.
Check Yourself: Sometimes You Are The Toxic Person
A lot of toxicity is accidental. A lot of it is innocent. A lot of it is approached with genuinely positive intentions.
50 Quotes Every INTJ Will Instantly Relate To
“My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe.”
–Stephen Hawking
Why We’ll Always Be Closest To The People Who Knew Us When We Were Young And Reckless
No matter who we meet and fall platonically in love with as adults, there will always be a special place in our hearts for the people who knew us at our most vulnerable.
24 Powerful Ways To Finish The Year Off Right
Make a list of all the things that you want, but are too afraid to ask for.
Quiz: What Is Your Most Attractive Quality?
It’s no secret that everyone loves you. Now it’s time to figure out why.
The Comprehensive Myers-Briggs Gift Guide
This year, we collected the wackiest, wildest and weirdest items we could find on Shop Catalog and then categorized them by personality type.
I Think That My Body’s Still In Love With You
I think that our bodies have memories
We cannot access with our minds.
50 Quotes That Every ENFP Will Instantly Relate To
“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
Quiz: Should You Go Out Tonight Or Nah?
Friends or Netflix?
24 People Share The One Thing They Wish The ESFPs In Their Lives Understood
Just because I’m not speaking doesn’t mean I hate you.
17 Signs That You Might Be An Enneagram Type 8
You are highly aware that everyone has his or her own best interests at heart.
Quiz: Should You Text That Person You’re Thinking Of Texting?
A ten step process to determine whether or not your texting plan is safe.
22 People Share The One Thing They Wish The INFPs In Their Lives Understood
Stop dreaming and start doing. You are so intelligent and capable. Any career you pursue you will be incredible in.
Quiz: Should You Get Back Together With Your Ex?
The heart wants what it wants. But it’s time to consult your head.
If You’re Confused About Your Enneagram Type, Read This
The only reliable method of identifying your type is to discover which of the nine basic fears guide the majority of your behaviour.
25 People Share The One Thing They Wish The INFJs In Their Lives Understood
Don’t let your ability to read what’s wrong with the world blind you to all the good things.
Quiz: Which Type Of Personality Should You Date?
Find out which unique personality traits your ideal partner possesses.
17 Signs You Might Be An Enneagram Type 4
You either love people with absolutely 100% of your heart, or not at all. You know no in between.