Heidi Priebe
Heidi is the author of The Comprehensive ENFP Survival Guide, and The Comprehensive INFP Survival Guide.
7 Important Reminders For Anyone Who Has Trouble Setting Boundaries
Healthy people will understand your need to set boundaries. Only toxic people will argue them.
20 INFJs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The INFJ Stereotype
“I don’t ever get lost in my head and lose track of what I’m doing. My ‘dreaming’ is more like planning.”
The Warning Label Each Myers-Briggs Personality Type Should Come With
ESTP: May literally charm the pants off you.
17 INTPs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The INTP Stereotype
“I take several showers a day.”
8 Ways You’re Keeping Yourself Stuck In Life Without Realizing It
You’re pointing fingers instead of solving problems.
What Each Enneagram Type Is Secretly Afraid You’ll Find Out About Them
Type 8: That they’re afraid of the impact other people are capable of having on them.
The Power Of Apprehension: 24 People Confess What They Would Do If They Were Not Afraid
“If I weren’t afraid, I would be honest with my friends and family and tell them about the mental health issues I’m dealing with.”
10 ISTJs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The ISTJ Stereotype
“I enjoy taking on new experiences, I just take the time and effort to ensure that I am adequately prepared for those experiences should anything go wrong.”
What Your Enneagram Type Is Not An Excuse For
Being a type 7 does not give you the right to disappear or flake on the commitments you’ve made because you see something more exciting on the horizon.
15 ENTPs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The ENTP Stereotype
“I don’t take any pleasure in arguing. I take pleasure in deconstructing a concept and looking at it from all sides. “
Why The Saddest Day Of Your Twenties Is The Day You Move Away From Your Best Friend
You can’t help but feel like the best era of your life is coming to a close.
24 INFPs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The INFP Stereotype
“I’m an INFP, not some hippie princess cinnamon roll that cries in the corner 90% of the time and frolics through meadows the other 10%.”
10 ISFJs Explain The Ways In Which They Defy The ISFJ Stereotype
“I love changes as long as they make sense, and I appreciate spontaneity even though I myself am not spontaneous.”
This Year, Spring Clean Your Heart
After all, our hearts are like any other room; collecting dust and clutter the longer we keep pushing unwanted items under the rug.
23 INTJs Share The Ways In Which They Defy The INTJ Stereotype
“I’m very in tune with people around me, especially the ones I care about and want to help.”
There Is A Right Way (And A Wrong Way) To Be Selfish In Your Twenties
You owe people common decency, but you do not owe them your suffering.
I Cannot Love You Right Now
I want to fight my own battles and harness my strengths.
11 Reasons Why Everyone Needs An INTJ In Their Lives
They’ll help you organize and optimize your life.