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Caitlyn Jenner’s BFF Opens Up On How Kim Kardashian Is Recovering From Being Held At Gunpoint

"No one should go through that."


Caitlyn Jenner Instagram
Caitlyn Jenner Instagram

Weeks after Kim Kardashian West was held at gunpoint and robbed of millions of dollars of jewelry in a Paris hotel, Caitlyn Jenner is supporting her recovery. Caitlyn’s close friend (as seen on her reality show I am Cait) Candis Cayne said Jenner is focused on “being a good mom” to Kim while she takes a step back from public life to rest.

People caught up with Cayne at the Queen USA Transgender beauty pageant where Jenner was serving as a judge:

She, of course, is just being a good mom, and you know just making sure that she’s okay…No one should go through that. And no one should ever be questioned about going through that. And it was a traumatic experience.

A lot of people just think about the Kardashian family is like these people that are just in make-believe land, but if you imagined yourself in that situation, sitting in a room, and having that happen to you, it’s terrifying.

Caitlyn has also been showing her support publicly on Instagram:

As always, I’m sending peaceful and healthy vibes out to Kim. Thought Catalog Logo Mark