Ella Ceron
Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)
5 Reasons Why Your Undefined Relationship Is Toxic
It’s not that you’re overtly looking to doom your relationship, either, but sometimes, going with the flow is counterproductive to actually getting anywhere.
Somewhere Out There, Someone Regrets Letting You Go
You were the classmate they never passed that note to. The coworker they never chased because they feared the taboo of dating in the workplace. The friend of a friend. The friend’s ex, and therefore coded as off-limits forever.
6 Things Single People Should Stop Saying (And What They Should Say Instead)
Start saying: “If there’s love enough in this world that all of these couples are making their relationships work, there’s got to be something out there for me, too.”
18 Things Only Your Best Friend Can Get Away With (That Are Annoying If Anyone Else Does Them)
Texting you that their plans fell through and if they could hang, only to spring “good, because I’m around the corner” when you say okay.
20 Things Everyone Should Know How To Do By The Time They’re 25
Say no when you really want to say no.
17 Struggles Of Being An Athletic Girl
There are more sports bras than regular bras in any given load of laundry. At all times.
5 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Over Your Almost-Relationship
Just because you weren’t owed anything doesn’t mean there weren’t expectations.
21 Modern-Day Signs You Belong In Gryffindor
You have never once backed down from a dare.
10 Things You Appreciate More About Your Family As An Adult
And when I say everything, I mean they witnessed every pimple, every preteen crush, every bad grade, crappy diorama, and awkward sartorial choice.
You Need To Tell People How You Feel
If you ask me, it’s better to risk being hurt than to feel nothing at all.
21 Style Promises Every Woman Should Make To Herself
Until every clothing brand comes together and decides on one universal sizing metric, the tag in the back of your jeans is meaningless. Ignore it. Cut it out if the number bugs you so much.
17 Struggles You Experience When You First Try To Eat Healthier
You realize that there’s only so many ways you can Instagram kale before it seems like a propaganda movement.
If Men Got Periods: An Inner Monologue
Oh, great. Period zit. Eh, maybe I can say it’s an ingrown hair. Maybe I should grow a beard. Yeah, a beard would cover it. I’d look so bad-ass with a beard. Like the second coming of Tim Howard. Or Jesus. Jesus Howard.
17 Awesome Benefits Of Actually Being Friends With Your Roommates
Friendly roommates are scientifically proven to be more likely to share food they think you’ll like. Especially if it’s boxed-mix brownies.
7 Little Things You Can Do To Make Any Girl Swoon
If you’re into someone, be all the way into them. Don’t be shy about it. And sure, it feels a little scary to risk things like your heart and emotions, but look, love is a risk.
17 Things That Happen When You’re A Girl Of Average Height (Between 5’4″ and 5’7″)
The second you put on heels, it’s like, whoa, I never realized you were so tall, attack of the 50-foot woman, no, stop it.
16 Women On The Everyday Beauty Products They Swear By
“Someone once told me that a tube of lipstick is the cheapest way to buy happiness, and they were right.”
Dating In Your 20s: Expectations Vs. Reality
On and off and on and off and… wait, how do couples even know when they started dating if things are so up in the air so often? Is there a cheat sheet somewhere?