Ella Ceron
Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)
30 Things You Should Do (At Least) Once A Year
Go to a museum, see a band or a sports game live, or watch a play or a musical. Experience culture without the help of an illuminated screen.
23 Little Ways You Know Someone Actually Loves You
They’re more ready to do something for you than they will ask something from you.
15 Things That Happen When You Have An All-Or-Nothing Personality
Some Saturdays you want to spend going out until 4 am, belting out the lyrics to ‘Closing Time’ with the rest of the bar, but the rest of the weekend, it’s not unheard of if you don’t even leave your apartment.
The Problem With Jennifer Lawrence’s Leaked Photos
In either instance, be it in their professional or personal lives, the victims of the leak were acting of their own agency. And this in itself is infuriating to the people who think that they shouldn’t.
10 Reasons People Who Bend The Rules Have Better Style
Seasons are arbitrary, anyway. The best clothes are the ones that transcend style eras.
16 Signs You’re Going To Be Forever Alone
The last time somebody hit on you, you secretly wondered if someone had put them up to a bet.
20 Things Every Seasoned Runner Knows (That Every New Runner Learns The Hard Way)
Runger is real. Runger is vicious. Sometimes the only way to survive is to give in.
7 Things That Happen When You Stop Actively Looking For Love
No, love might not (and probably won’t) look like the checklist you think it will. And if you keep your sights and hopes set on someone who doesn’t materialize, you’ll miss all the other people who come along and might surprise you.
15 More Brutally Honest Questions & Answers About Relationships From A Girl And A Guy
If you could ask someone of the opposite sex any question and get an honest answer, what would it be?
20 Truths That Will Make Your 20-Something Life Easier
No one in the history of ever has been given something because they wanted it really badly. Everyone wants things really badly. The people who earn their dreams do so with a lot of hard work.
18 Struggles Of Being A Tomboy
Any time anyone expresses fascination in giving you a makeover or helping you pick out clothes, you feel slightly like a Barbie doll that’s been given charity.
The One Thing You Need To Do To Have The Love Life You Want
Is it scary? Yes. Of course it is. But most things that are worth doing have their risks.
18 Ways Going To Catholic School Affects Girls Forever
You regularly dream about the days when you didn’t have to think about what to wear in the morning.
The 5 Guys You Never Really Get Over
Everything is going great, you think — you have chemistry, you click, you have shared interests and your conversations never lull — and then, boom. He’s gone.
12 Brutally Honest Questions & Answers About Relationships From A Girl And A Guy
We decided to sit down and ask each other everything you’ve wanted to ask your best friend of the opposite sex… but haven’t. The caveat? We had to answer with complete honesty.
You Will Fall In Love With A Broken Person
You know, all along, that this is someone with a heart in shards, a soul in pieces, and little affection and warmth and stability to give you — you won’t blame them for it, they need all the resources they can give themselves — yet you still try.
15 Things You Should Stop Saying To Girls With Tattoos
“Well, I wouldn’t get that.”
9 Q&As By An Introvert And An Extrovert On How They Tackle Dating
We decided to sit down and ask each other a few key questions about the pros and cons of dating someone on the opposite spectrum.