17 Things That Shouldn’t Go Together (But Somehow Fit Perfectly)

It’s easy to forget that the best combinations in life – the things that are infinitely nicer together than apart – are often the most unlikely. Everything from food to activities to people can be improved by its logical opposite, or just something you never would have thought of. In partnership with FOX for the new series Red Band Society Wednesdays at 9/8c on ‘FOX’, here are 17 of the most unlikely (yet wonderful) combinations.

1. Laughing so hard, you cry.

2. … and when someone makes the perfect joke right when things are at their most sad, and you can do nothing but laugh really, really hard.

3. Being attracted to people’s imperfections, and the way they combine to make someone more interesting than conventionally pretty (and all the more beautiful for it).

4. Breakfast for dinner.

5. … and dessert for breakfast. (Life is short. Sometimes you have to make sure you eat your fill of all the cake.)

6. Sleeping all day, and then staying up all night and seeing the sun rise from the other side. Repeat as needed.

7. Having the kind of friendship where you can sit together in absolute silence or even be half a world away but you still never feel bored, lonely, or alone.

8. Chocolate. Covered. Potato. Chips.

9. The knowledge that sometimes, things have to come to an end — loved ones die, relationships come to a close, you graduate from school or leave a job — and yes, you’ll be sad, but that this happens so that you appreciate the time you did have all the more.

10. Polka dots and stripes. Plaid and leopard print. Gingham and seersucker. Leather and lace. Mix patterns and textures until you can’t anymore, and then mix them again.

11. Remembering that asking for help is sometimes a bigger sign of strength than struggling through something on your own.

12. The rush of satisfaction that comes with doing something you know you shouldn’t be doing — but the end result is better and more wonderful than you could have ever imagined.

13. Indulging in childhood favorites (like rereading the Harry Potter books even though you are a full-blown adult).

14. Dancing in the rain. Go ahead. Do it one day. See how it feels.

15. Opposing colors. Black and white is timeless, and few things can make you feel as festive as red and green.

16. Calling green juice and a cookie a well-balanced meal. Because if those two combined don’t equal net zero, then I really don’t know what does.

17. Everyone thinks that when you go into a hospital, life stops. But it’s just the 
opposite. Life starts.Thought Catalog Logo Mark


About the author

Ella Ceron

Writer. Editor. Twitter-er. Instagrammer. Coffee drinker. (Okay, mostly that last one.)