De Elizabeth

Articles by
De Elizabeth
10 Reasons Why Wells Is The One Who Got Away…From The Bachelorette
Wells’ Instagram page is is filled with pictures of dogs. Is there anything better than pictures of cute guys with cute dogs? He’s a huge dog-lover and often volunteers at animal shelters in his town. ~swoon~
7 Reasons Caleb Could Be Big A On ‘Pretty Little Liars’
Here are seven reasons why Caleb might actually be the show’s uber villain:
13 Third Eye Blind Lyrics Guaranteed To Make Your Heart Swell
Stop everything! Third Eye Blind and Dashboard Confessional just announced that they will be touring together this summer.
In Defense Of Girls Who Wear Makeup
There’s a certain soapbox people love to stand on when it comes to makeup and beauty products. Let’s call it the “be confident in your own skin” soapbox.
21 Things You Should Know Before Dating A Teacher
If you ever insinuate that our job is “easy” because we have summers off, it will be the end of our relationship.
7 Struggles Only Girls With Nose Piercings Can Understand
All girls with nose piercings are forced to become BFFs with the inner workings of their nostrils – it’s part of the bargain.
For The Girls Who Drink Vodka
This is for the girls who drink vodka — the girls who choose the clearest and harshest of liquids.
10 Signs You Were Once Obsessed With Livejournal
Before the term “blog” was part of our mainstream vocabulary, before everyone and their mother decided they were a lifestyle blogger, and before twitter and instagram and facebook…there was this amazing thing called Livejournal.
7 Things Theatre Majors Are Tired Of Hearing
“At least you can always teach theatre.”
18 Things Every Dance Choreographer Knows To Be True
After saying, “Just mark it, don’t go full out”, there will always be at least one dancer who continues to do it full out. Someone’s going to be exhausted.
10 Things All Theatre Directors Know To Be True
When we say, “okay, let’s run that scene one more time”, we really mean “let’s maybe run this one more time, probably more like two or three”.
You Should Date A Theatre Girl
Date a theatre girl because she understands people; it’s part of her job. She’ll likely be the person everyone goes to for advice; she’ll take care of you if you let her.