Colleen George

“there can be magic in the messes” @apeaceofwerk
Articles by
Colleen George
The Real Healing Happens In Moving Forward
Healing does not happen in the past. Healing happens in the today and the tomorrow.
Some Lessons I’ve Learned From Reflecting On Life In 150 Essays
I see memories, heartbreaks, and joys, all poured into my essays of size 12 font.
30 Little Moments That Suggest You Are Slowly Beginning To Heal
When you feel a familiar little spark of joy move through your body, amidst a time of sadness and grief.
30 Impactful Lessons I Hope You Learn In Your Twenties
I think we “grow up” in our twenties. We work on becoming (and figuring out) who we want to be. And as we move through these years, we try to decipher what we value, and what and who we wish to hold close to our hearts.
On Making Peace With Endings
I guess I struggle to make peace with leaving behind something golden.
When Grief Changes Us
Perhaps we can’t always find light in the face of death or loss. Perhaps sometimes, death is just an ending. A fragile, heart-wrenching ending.
In This Time Of Darkness, Please Care More
Know that your actions create hope.
This Is My Final Goodbye To You
I don’t think our hearts are built to let our loved ones go so easily.
When You Have To Say Goodbye To The Person You Love
You can’t put into words how painful it will be to lose them.
And This Is Why I’ll Get Over You
I forgive you.
It’s Okay To Care Too Much
We are afraid to care because caring means putting our hearts on the line. And the concept of letting others affect us deeply is terrifying.
And This Is When You Will Save Yourself
You don’t feel one hundred percent, but little by little, you do actually start to get a little bit better.
For When You Lose Someone Special
I guess whenever love is involved, we are never really ready to say goodbye.
Read This If You Are Healing From A Broken Heart
Sometimes you have to say goodbye to someone good and instead wait patiently for someone better.
Forgive Yourself For All The Times You Didn’t Choose Yourself
Forgive yourself for not knowing who you were, and for giving in to social pressure so that you could feel like you fit in.
10 Things To Remember During The Last 4 Months Of 2019
Make sure you have days when you don’t have to be so strong.
Read This When He’s Left You
He gave up on you.
Grief Stays With Us, But So Does Love
I would like to think that those we lose never fully leave us. I would like to think that they become a part of us, that they live on within us.