New Year, New Boo: 13 Must-Haves For The Single Person Who Wants A Clean Slate And A New Mate
1. A door mat that lets the world know you’re (literally) ready
Your door mat decorates the barrier between your inner and outer worlds. It is one of the first things people see when they visit you. This one serves a specific visual purpose: it’s something you see every day that will remind you that your job this year is to be open to inviting people in.
2. A way to channel your ‘when is he going to text me back’ neuroses into something healthy
One of the most difficult parts of dating is toning down your anxiety when you first meet a promising someone new. It’s easy to spend hours obsessing over what each texts means — which can often lead to relationship-sabotaging behavior like texting too much, being clingy, and even lashing out because you’re resentful about how crazy they are making you feel. The best solution is to spend time on something that both distracts you and helps you clear your head. Adult coloring books are perfect for this. It’s easy to get distracted and the designs bring you to a relaxing, meditative state as you work through them.
3. Affirmation cards that are the key to killer confidence
Across the board when asked what men and women want from their partner, they’ll respond “confidence.” Being single is the perfect time to work on self-love. Not only does it attract potential partners, but it helps you have a healthier relationship with them when you do. You can start small by simply pulling one of these affirmation cards out of the deck each morning and reading it to yourself.