What Your Favorite Episode Of ‘Sex And The City’ Says About You

The one where Carrie is fashion roadkill aka “The Real Me”

Sex and the City

You’re obsessed with fashion. When you first saw this episode you dreamed of having the job Carrie’s friend does where she’s calling all the shots at the fashion show. You’re very independent and ambitious — and you know how to get up when you fall.

The one where Carrie wants to run wild and free aka “Ex and the City”

Sex and the City

Charlotte is your favorite Sex and the City character despite this episode being all about Carrie. You’re an optimist, but you’re also realistic. What you respect about Carrie is her willingness to gamble a “so so” sure thing for something perfect that she might not find. It’s ballsy, just your style.

The one where Carrie gets dumped on a post-it aka “The Post-It Always Sticks Twice”

Sex and the City

You just got out of a relationship, or a series of relationships and you reaaaaally aren’t feeling men right now. You love this episode because it realistically highlights some of the worst parts of dating — dealing with trash boys and their trash boy friends. Luckily you’ve got great friends who would go just as far as Carries in making you feel better.

The one every single girl loves aka “A Woman’s Right To Shoes”

Sex and the City
Sex and the City

You are the last single girl hold out in a group of married friends. This episode is especially empowering for you because the narrative is that a woman can freely choose to have a traditional life of family and kids or one filled with whatever she wants — like a shoe obsession — and both those paths are equal. You feel super happy for your friends with families of their own, but a bit misunderstood just because your life isn’t exactly like their’s. You’d never complain about them, it’s just nice to see your point of view expressed through Carrie.

The one where Big has a heart attack aka “The Domino Effect”

Sex and the City
Sex and the City

You’ve been hurt by a particular relationship big time, which is why this episode is so empowering. Big realizes he isn’t invincible and Carrie realizes Big won’t change — but that she is in control of what she lets happen. You’ve tried to love someone like Big and been through the rollercoaster of this episode a million times, but you’re past it now and you love that Carrie sees that in the morning.

The one where Petrovsky reads Carrie poetry aka “The Ick Factor”

Sex and the City
Sex and the City

You’re an old soul. While Petrovsky turns into a villain later in the series you love this episode because of how swoonworthy he is. You’d kill for a guy to read you poetry on a blustery day while you lounge in front of his fire together. You know what real love is and even though it makes you a little bit annoyed that all Carrie can muster in response is to read him Vogue you still think the most romantic part of the whole episode is how Charlotte and Harry get through their food poisoning together.

The one where “he’s just not that into you” got invented aka “”Pick-A-Little, Talk-A-Little”

Sex and the City

You are in the dating trenches, kicking ass and taking names. In this episode Burger drops the bomb that turned into a New York Times Bestseller, he’s just not that into you. It inspired or reaffirmed your “no excuses” mentality. You’re totally fine with a guy not calling, at least they’re being honest.

The one where Smith shaves his head aka “Out Of The Frying Pan”


You appreciate a sensitive man and don’t mind non-traditional relationships. You admire the balance between being outwardly tough and being strong enough to be vulnerable with another person both Samantha and Smith have in this episode. You’re a tough girl, and you hope you can find someone this strong to be with one day.

The one with Elizabeth Taylor aka “One”

Sex and the City

It’s very heartbreaking when Charlotte has a miscarriage, but the way she pulls herself together afterwards is inspirational. If this is your favorite episode you’re someone who loves a good comeback story and always roots for the underdog. You’re someone who likes most people, you can see the good in people other’s quickly dismiss. You love dressing up for everything from special occasions to Halloween to every day events.

The one with the sex therapist mother aka “Shortcomings”

Sex and the City
Sex and the City

You’re obsessed with J.D. Salinger and the mother in this episode is your dream mother-in-law. You’re an intellectual and you’re fascinated by people who are brilliant. You prefer the early episodes of SATC.

The one with New York’s terror teens aka “Hot Child in the City”

Sex and the City

You love to laugh and you don’t mind a little camp. This is your favorite episode because the teens are slightly over the top in portraying rich New York teens — which is perfect for you. (You also loved Gossip Girl, and Blair was your favorite character).

The one where they go to the baseball game aka “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”


Let’s be honest. You just really freaking LOVE Carrie’s “going to a baseball game” ensemble.

The finale aka “American Girl In Paris: Part Deux”

Sex and the City

You are either a Sex and the City superfan or you have a soft spot for guys like Big. SATC is one of the few series that ended perfectly, wrapping up all four girl’s storylines with dignity and in a way that made sense for the individual character. You don’t even have to be a crazy romantic to love it. Carrie got her fairytale romantic-comedy fantasy ending, but Charlotte’s ending was the result of her optimism in the face of compromise. If this is your favorite episode, you’re wise enough to realize that things don’t have to be the fairy tale ending for them to be happy — for you to be happy. You’re the one that helps their friends spin their complaints back into things they’re thankful for. You’re great at giving advice and usually the first person your friends come to for that exact reason. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Chrissy Stockton

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