heaven is lucky to have you

Heaven Is The Luckiest Because It Has You

I really never thought the day would come that I would have to live without you. I definitely didn’t think the day would come as soon as it did. You were too young to die. There was so much more you were supposed to be here for. There are so many things that you are going to miss. How am I supposed to wrap my head around that? Am I actually supposed to have to learn how to survive in a world without you?

It’s not fair. I was not prepared to say goodbye to someone who meant so much to me. I was definitely not ready to have to continue on without you. I was the absolute luckiest person in the world to have you in my life, but I am the most unlucky to have to figure out how to move forward without my favorite person. I was lucky then. But heaven is the lucky one now.

Heaven gets you. It gets my best friend. Heaven gets to have the person who was supposed to be there for me no matter what. It gets the one person that I never thought I’d have to learn to live without and it is so lucky for that. Any person or place that gets to have you is the absolute luckiest in the world.

You were the greatest person. I think anyone and everyone that has crossed paths with you knows that. I don’t think anyone could find a bad thing to say about you if they tried. You were the best. You were everything that I will strive to be for the rest of my life. You were the best person I have ever known.

It’s hard to believe that your life had to get cut short. There were so many more amazing things that you could have done. There were so many more people you could have helped. It just doesn’t seem right. It doesn’t seem right that heaven gets to have that person instead of all of the people here that still need you.

I talk to you often. I talk to you, assuming you are still here. I like to think that even though you are so far away in heaven (wherever that actually is) that you are still present in my everyday life, watching and guiding me every step of the way.

I know you are. I feel you with me all of the time. When little things happen, I know it’s you right there next to me. I look for the signs you send me. I see them all of the time. I am sure it’s you. I know you have never really left me, and that is the most comforting part of all of this.

I guess what really makes me the luckiest is that I have someone that made saying goodbye, or as I like to say, “see you later”, so very hard. I was lucky because you were mine. Even though our time got cut short, I got to spend the time I had loving and cherishing you. I will never forget you. I will always love you. To heaven and back. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Christie Lynn

I have been a grief blogger since my mom passed away 5 years ago.