This Is Me Saying Goodbye To You For The Last Time

This Is Me Saying Goodbye To You For The Last Time
God & Man

We were together for what felt like was my entire life. I don’t know how I can transition from being with someone who’s all I want, to being all by my boring self again.

You made me feel like how it is to be contented. You made me feel like how it is to love the world mostly because you are in it. You gave me all the butterflies my stomach could ever have, even after so many years of being together.

All I know is that I promised myself that I’m going to stay through whatever storm comes, but this isn’t one of them.

As much as I want to stay, I can’t be the only one fighting. I can’t be the only one trying to survive all the storms. I can’t be the only trying to save us, but instead I’m going to try to save myself.

As much as I still want you to stay, you already gave us up. So, I’m going to have to let you go and move on with my life.

I know this will take time, this may even take forever. But I’m willing to go through all the pain, because as the saying goes “You can’t receive the beauty if you don’t let go of the ashes.”

They say, if people are meant to be together they will find their way back to each other eventually. I’m hoping with all my heart you are meant for me, and I am for you. I’m hoping that in the right time we will get to hold each others’ arms again.

But I promise you this, I’m gonna love you right next time. But for now, I’m setting you free.

So, here I am letting you go, even if it hurts. Even if I don’t want to. Even if this is the last thing I want to do. Even if I’m still head over heels in love with you. I’m letting you go because I think this is better for the both us. I’m letting you go because I want to try to go on with my life without you in it.

This is me saying goodbye to you, for real this time. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Cheska Quicho

20. I’m all about sunsets, naps, and coffee.

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