Chelsea Forbes-Terry
Articles by
Chelsea Forbes-Terry
11 Things To Remember When You’re Starting A New Relationship, And Are Scared Of Getting Hurt (Again)
The reason people have doubts and worries about starting a relationship can usually be traced back to one thing – fear.
My Best Friend Ghosted Me, And It Hurt More Than Heartbreak
I expected this from a guy, I was prepared to be let down and disappointed by someone who only casually knew me over dinner or after a few fun dates ending in sex. But I wasn’t prepared or expecting it from someone I trusted most.
I Couldn’t Help But Wonder, What If We Were Meant To Be Together?
But we always tend to romanticize what could have been instead of what was.
This Is How I Feel When I Wait For Your Call
I find myself hung up on being the one who cares less, the one who could go a whole day without hearing from you. But I’m not that girl and I do care.
5 Complicated Things I Know About Being In An Interracial Relationship
People will have preconceived notions about you and your relationship.
This Is Why I Don’t Know What Love Is
This is why I’m not sure what it’s supposed to look like or feel like because everywhere I turn I am told it is not what I think it is.
7 Emotional Indicators It’s Time To Walk Away From Your ‘Almost’ Relationship
While we’re predisposed to pay attention to red flags, we often ignore our own emotional warning signs that indicate it’s time to move on.
An Open Letter To The Guys Who Never Text Back
To all the guys who have ever started texting a girl, only to at some point to disappoint them by never texting them back ever again, I have message for you – you are the worst.
7 Honest Answers About Having Friends Of The Opposite Sex, From A Girl And A Guy
It’s the age old question of, “can girls and guys be ‘just friends?’”, and it’s hard to figure out the right answer.
What It’s Like To Date After A Long Term Relationship
I was in a relationship for almost three years. I was just barely 21 when I met my ex, meaning I was one of those select few that spent the majority of their early twenties in a committed monogamous relationship.
6 Things That Can Happen When A Girl Decides To Cut Her Hair
This past weekend I made one of the most life altering decisions a girl can make to her appearance — I cut my hair.
I Want To Be The Girl Guys Fall Madly In Love With
The fact of the matter is, we all want to be that girl. It is human nature to want to be loved and love back in return, especially because dating can be so daunting.
6 Types Of Guys No Girl Should Waste Her Tears On (And The One That You Should)
There will however, be one type of guy who you can cry over.
10 Times When Cuddling Is Just The Best
After a really hard day.
6 Truths About Being In An Undefined Relationship (From A Girl Who’s In One)
We’re a society obsessed with instantaneous classifications, but really relationships & love aren’t instantaneous and easily classified.
9 Signs You’re Ready To Go From Casually Dating To Exclusively Dating
2. You think about that person when someone else hits on you.
When You Unexpectedly Fall For Someone New
Because of this, I fell a little harder.