Chelsea Fagan

Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.

22 Changes You Make In Your 20s

Becoming more acutely aware of how precious all the time you have with your older family members is, and how not a single day with them is guaranteed.

When You See Yourself In A Bad Picture

We are an amalgam of our best selfies, of the edits, and of the tagged photos we approved. We are someone else entirely, someone more conventionally beautiful.

19 Things That Everyone Deserves

Having the amount of connection with your family that is healthy and positive for you. There is no set amount of attachment that one needs with the people they were born into, and if you are in an abusive or hostile environment, you don’t owe anyone your time.

When Your Friend Is Having A Baby

Why is it scary, though? Part of it has to be the obvious reasons — are they going to become lame, lose sight of who they are, forget what made the two of you so close to begin with?

19 Life Lessons We Don’t Want To Learn

Sometimes the people that your ex left you for were actually much better for them, and they are happier now, and they absolutely don’t regret leaving you to get with them.

21 Signs You’re The Party Friend

So many of your tagged Facebook photos have had to be deleted for professional reasons that you now have put an approval filter on them, just to streamline things.

What She Means When She Says “I’m Fine”

We all believe that we are going to find some secret decoder ring which will allow us to understand these mysterious words, and skip out that nasty middle business of actually having to find out “what is wrong,” even if it’s the question we initially asked.

I Want To Run Away With You

I want to walk out and pretend not to hear the calls behind me of “Where are you going?” “When are you coming back?” I don’t know when I am coming back, and there is no one I want to explain it to.

An Open Letter To Guys Who Are Going Bald

If you are going bald, and are past the point of creating a reasonable facsimile of hair with a few good products and swishes of the comb, you just have to run with it.

24 Signs You’re A Hopeless Romantic

When you were a little kid, all of your dolls/stuffed animals were in long-term, committed relationships with one another. Two of your teddy bears would be soon nearing their silver anniversary.

24 Painful Things You Must Do To Grow Up

Realizing that some people are making the transition from “crazy kid who parties a little too much” to “person who has a serious problem with drinking/drug use,” and that there may be nothing you can do to help them.

5 Things Guys Need To Stop Doing In Bed

The thing about orgasms is that they can come from anywhere. If the Peen Patrol isn’t bringing them, why not take her to Tongue Town or Vibrator Valley or even Fingerblast Forest? Your options are limitless, no need to cry!