Chelsea Fagan
Chelsea Fagan founded the blog The Financial Diet. She is on Twitter.
The Worst Thing You Can Say To Someone Who Loves You
It is humiliation, self-loathing, and endless questioning over why, exactly, you weren’t good enough.
7 Things You Think Are Compliments But Which Are Actually Insults
You’ve lost weight!
I Am A Woman, And I Am Empowered By Degrading Music
When I hear 2 Chainz musing about how much he loves them strippers, I can’t help but agree with his tastes.
The First Time You Sleep With Someone You Really Like
There is always something that you will look back on and cringe at, if only because the human body isn’t perfect, much less so when it’s under the unpredictable lights of someone else’s bedroom.
23 Signs You’re Addicted To Starbucks
Whenever you are in a new place, the local Starbucks is always the touchstone of familiarity and comfort around which your trip can revolve.
Husband Records World’s Most Unreasonable Wife Having Meltdown In The Car
Turn down your speakers or headphones, it gets loud.
25 Questions We Don’t Ask Each Other Enough
“Do you just need to be alone for a little while?”
This Is Why She Will Leave You
She asks you questions and you let her linger on the edge of your lips, waiting to catch the answer that will fall out. She calls, and you let it ring, watching it across your table as it buzz, buzz, buzzes.
7 Things You Shouldn’t Change For Anyone
We’ve all seen that couple where one partner is slowly but surely whittled out of their friend group because the other one is sporting that incredibly creepy “U Will Luv Me & Only Me 4Ever” look.
21 Things That Just Aren’t Fair, So You Might As Well Get Over Them
Some people are the kind of people who stand up their dates, and sometimes you are unlucky enough to accept a night out with them. And you’ll be the one sitting at the bar, playing on your phone, transforming slowly from “worried” to “humiliated.”
21 Places You Will Fall In Love
Reading old chats and messages and letters with people you used to love, and remembering what it is about them that was so wonderful.
Maybe You Don’t Deserve To Be Happy
I am not good at taking criticism. I mean, to be fair, I don’t know if anyone really is.
7 Signs You’re Becoming A Better Person
It takes so long for “No” to really mean something. We are ultimately creatures who want to please, and be accepted, and make one another comfortable.
The 6 Types Of Female Friendships
Now your relationship is less like a delicate flower and more like some kind of Cold War-era bunker, ready to withstand literally anything that life will throw at it.
Check Out This Painful List Of Reasons A Girl Dumped Her Boyfriend
You go, girl, you did what we never could. And then put it on the internet.
You Are Not Weak For Wanting Love
I always wonder why adventure and career development and changing my mind can’t occur simultaneously with a fulfilling relationship. I always wonder why we look with a mixture of pity and bewilderment upon our former classmates who got married at 24.
The 22 Most Important Things About Being A Human
Being able to tell the difference between when a friend is joking around about something, and when they are actually trying to talk about something really serious that they are afraid/embarrassed to let other people know about.
The 6 Worst Things About Being In Love
You’re going to become that person who promises to go out to lunch with your friend and then end up canceling 20 minutes before because your bed was just so comfortable and your love was just so perfect.