Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
18 Struggles Only Over-Thinkers Will Understand
God forbid anyone unfollow you on Twitter or Instagram, because you won’t sleep until you figure out who it was and why.
Toxic People Don’t Make Exceptions
Intentions don’t waive pain.
You Have To Be Kindest To Yourself When It Seems Least Deserved
You eventually have to stop basing your self-worth on the insecurities of others and start basing it on your own genuine convictions, no matter how long it takes for you to find them.
How The People We Once Loved Become Strangers Again
Maybe it’s just that we’re all at the centers of our own little universes, and sometimes they overlap with other people’s, and that small bit of intersection leaves some part of it changed.
25 Random Acts Of Kindness We Should All Be Doing More Often
Sharing your umbrella with a stranger.
Can We Choose Who We Love?
The kind of love that centuries of books and plays and stories have regaled us with are the ones in which all expectations are defied in place of love anyway.
The Art Of Mindlessness
The thing that makes us the same is something our minds may never be able to understand. We have to let go of trying to understand everything else that’s collateral to suffice for it.
101 Things That Are More Important Than What Your Body Looks Like
It’s hard to feel like physical appearance doesn’t take precedence when it’s our chief focus.
18 Things We Should Have Been Taught As Teenagers
Hard work will not always equate to success.
The Things We Never Realize Until It’s Too Late
I am most grateful I never got what I thought I deserved.
24 Rules For Being A Human Being In 2014
Give better goodbyes.
17 Things That Happen When You’ve Been Friends With Someone For, Literally, Ever
You’re the one their significant other really has to win over.
How You Know It’s Over Before It Ends
You can’t go beyond your saturation point. You can’t let yourself regress. If your paths are diverging, let them.
18 Things Everyone Should Start Making Time For Again
Books. Actual hard copy books that you can scribble notes in and mark off sections of and smell ink through and hear the sound of turning pages and bending spines while you read.
Our Fault In Being Overly Analytical
But what actually ends up happening is that things get pulled so far out of context they become repurposed just for the sake of an argument.
The Danger In Our Need To Always Be Certain
We lose the mystery, the intangible but palpable reality of our existence, one that’s both elusively foreign and so comfortably, warmly home.
22 Things That Are Never Justifiable No Matter How Gratifying They May Be
Being happy that someone else has failed.
10 Unexpected Things That Make You A Better Person
What your parents didn’t give you.