Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
7 Things People With High-Functioning OCD Want You To Know
The big reason why people with obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors can’t get past them is because they are deep thinkers.
The Scientific Reason Why Some People Are Literally Born To Travel
The need to explore could be a lot more than just a quarter-life crisis. It could literally be part of who you are.
8 Subconscious Behaviors That Are Keeping You From Having The Life You Want
You assume that when it comes to following your “gut instincts,” happiness is “good,” and fear and pain is “bad.”
8 Signs You’re Closer To Finding ‘The One’ Than You Think
You’re beginning to understand what love is because you’ve had to learn what love isn’t.
20 Reasons Why You Should Live In A Small City In Your 20s
There’s less of an obsession with overworking, but just as much ambition.
17 Reasons Why Old Souls Have A Harder Time Being Happy
It’s impossible for them to ignore all the devastation in the world.
10 Brutal Reasons Why ‘Emotionally Unavailable’ Is Code For ‘Just Not That Into You’
Actually not wanting a relationship is one thing, teetering on the edge of a relationship with someone and then claiming your heart is closed is another.
10 Subtle Signs You And Your Partner Aren’t Equally Committed
One of you assumes the blame for both of your actions.
7 Ways People Who Have Been Emotionally Abused Love Differently
They often attract people they need to heal more than people they can love.
The 16 Most Moving Kyle Cease Quotes That Will Break Your Mind Open To Every Possibility In Your Life
“Nobody has control over us. We are just painfully addicted to giving our power away.”
These Are The 6 Psychological Signs A Relationship Is Coming To An End
Nothing makes you appreciate what you have more than realizing it could be gone soon.
10 Differences Between High Standards And Unrealistic Expectations
You do not confuse love for compatibility. Both are necessary to make a relationship work.
20 One Sentence Reminders For Ambitious Young Women Starting Their Careers
Treat the intern the same way you do the CEO.
Your ‘Fight Language’ Is The Secret Thing That Determines Whether A Relationship Will Work
Here, in order of least healthiest to most, are the “languages” that people use when confronted in an argument.
Here Are The Five Main Personality Traits That Determine Your Compatibility With A Partner
While we know that opposites attract, and relationships require compromise, what does it mean to be fundamentally compatible?
15 Tactics Toxic Friends Use To Keep You From Realizing Your Full Potential
They’re never wrong. But you are, and pretty often.
16 Subtle Signs Someone Is Not Your Forever Person, Even Though You Think They Are
You like how they make you feel about your future more than you like how they make you feel about your present.
12 Reasons Why Old Souls Have Such A Hard Time Finding Love
They’re natural healers, and often attract people who need help, not love.