Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
16 Signs You’re Not Actually An Introvert, You’re A Highly Sensitive Extrovert
If you take an honest look at your emotional patterns when you’re alone vs. when you’re with a community of friends or loved ones, you see that you thrive more in the latter. You think you are happier on your own, but you’re not really.
24 Things You Need To Do To Heal Your Life From Anxiety
The opposite of addiction isn’t sobriety, it’s connection. The same is true for anxiety. Anxiety is being disconnected from the present moment, other people, or yourself.
The Very Important Reason Why We Choose To Love People Who Cannot Love Us Back
The purpose of a relationship is not to be loved perfectly, or forever. It is not to have our every whim and wish met and fulfilled.
What You Need To Realize If You Feel Like You Aren’t As Far As You Should Be In Life
Sometimes the thing you keep trying to fix about yourself isn’t meant to be fixed.
17 Painful Things That Often Happen Right Before Your Life Is About To Transform
Discomfort is what happens when we are on the precipice of change. It usually takes a bit of discomfort to break through to a new understanding, to release a limiting belief, to motivate ourselves to create real change.
Here’s What Your Subconscious Mind Wants You To Know, Based On The Way You Keep Self-Sabotaging Your Life
Re-think what you’re doing. If it’s not coming to you naturally, it is not the right thing for you to be doing.
Why Awakened Women Tend To Attract Egotistical Men
There are few people that have a harder time finding – and staying with – their soulmates than awakened, powerful women.
Here’s What Your Subconscious Mind Wants You To Know, Based On Your Main Anxiety
There’s a difference between “not being able to pay the bills” and “irrationally fearing that one day you may not be able to.”
30 Questions That Will Tell You Whether Or Not You’re Making The Most Of Your Life
Do you complain to express your feelings, or do you use fear as an excuse not to move forward?
18 Signs You’re Experiencing A Dark Night Of The Soul, Otherwise Known As an Existential Crisis
That’s the thing about the dark night of the soul – it usually comes up right at the moment in which you have every reason to be content.
How New Age Thinking Can Accidentally Ruin Your Life
For a new age mindset to be truly effective, we have to become aware of the shadow sides of it as well. Unfortunately, many of these are rarely acknowledged.
12 Reasons Why Couples Who Travel Together Have The Strongest Relationships
Plainly put: being with someone 24/7 in high-stakes, high-stress situations will really make it clear whether or not you like them.
Something Called ‘Saturn Return’ Is Actually Why Your Late 20s Are So Hard
Consider this time of your life a great magnifier: it will show you what’s working, and it will show you what’s not.
What It Truly Means To Be The Girl Who Is ‘Too Good’ At Being Alone
That’s the thing about getting too good at healing, getting too comfortable with only relying on yourself. It can build a fear of opening up and sharing a life, even if that’s all you really want.
This Is Why Your Brain Won’t Let You Get Over Your Almost Relationship
Our brains are constantly working to collect evidence that supports what we want to think is true.
15 Things To Remember If You Worry You’ll Never Find Love
The idea that you have to earn it – that it’s outside of you – is only keeping you from yourself.
17 Ways To Tell The Difference Between Intruding Thoughts And Intuitive Ones
Not every thought or feeling that passes is representative of reality, and not being able to tell the difference between gut instincts and intruding thoughts is what lands people in a lot of emotional chaos.
There Are Three Reasons People Fall In Love (But Only One That Lasts)
Attraction is an essential part of making love work, but it is not love itself, and that is a crucial distinction.