Here’s What Your Subconscious Mind Wants You To Know, Based On The Way You Keep Self-Sabotaging Your Life
Re-think what you're doing. If it's not coming to you naturally, it is not the right thing for you to be doing.

This article is inspired by episode #2 of the
Get Out Of Your Own Way Podcast, a collaboration from Thought Catalog and Brianna Wiest.
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The way you are self-sabotaging: Going back to the same person who broke you.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Evaluate your childhood relationships. If you find something comforting or appealing about someone who hurts you, there’s usually a reason.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Attracting people who are too broken to commit in a real way.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You are not too broken to find someone who actually wants you.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Being unhappy even when nothing is wrong.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You keep expecting outside things to make you feel good, rather than relying on changing how you think and what you focus on.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Pushing people away.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You want people to love and accept you so much that the stress of it all makes you isolate yourself away from the pain, effectively creating the reality you’re trying to avoid.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Automatically believing what you think and feel is true.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You want to worry because it feels comfortable, therefore safer.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Eating poorly when you don’t want to be.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You are doing too much, or not giving yourself enough rest and nourishment. You are being too extreme.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Not doing the work you know would help move your career forward.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You’re not as clear as you think you are on what you want to be doing. If it isn’t flowing, there is a reason.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Overworking.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You do not have to prove your value. You do, however, have to stop running from the discomfort of being alone with your feelings.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Caring too much about what other people think.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You are not as happy as you think you are. The happier you are with something, the less you need other people to be.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Spending too much money.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Things will not make you feel more secure.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Dwelling on past relationships, or continually checking up on exes.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: This relationship affected you more than you were letting yourself believe. The ending hurt you more than you acknowledged, and you need to process that.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Choosing friends who always make you feel like you’re in competition with them.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Wanting to feel “better” than people is not a replacement for needing to feel connected to them. The common denominator is you.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Having self-defeating thoughts that hold you back from doing what you want.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Being mean to yourself first will not make it hurt less if other people judge or reject you.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Not promoting your work in a way that would help move you forward.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You’re not putting your all into what you’re doing each day. Create things you are proud to share.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Ascribing intent, or worrying that things are about you when they aren’t.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You think about yourself too often.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Ending relationships you “should” have stayed in.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You’re choosing relationships based on society’s standards, not your own.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Staying in a city you claim to dislike.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Home is where you make it, not where you find it.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Denying the obvious in order to “win” the argument.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Your ego is fragile. Conversations are not about “winning,” they’re about learning.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Wanting to be more attractive (read: thinner) than other people, because you think it makes you “better” than them.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You are insecure about the ways you perceive other people to be superior to you – trying to be more physically appealing is the most basic way to remedy that feeling, because you think it’s the one thing that you can solely control and everyone else can see.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Procrastinating.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: Re-think what you’re doing. If it’s not coming to you naturally, it is not the right thing for you to be doing.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Focusing on fear thoughts and irrational ideas.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You’re misusing the power of your mind.
The way you are self-sabotaging: Mindlessly scrolling through social media as a way to pass the time.
What your subconscious mind wants you to know: You need to address the inherent discomfort you have when you don’t have something to distract you.
This article is inspired by episode #2 of the
Get Out Of Your Own Way Podcast, a collaboration from Thought Catalog and Brianna Wiest.
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