Benjamin Hardy

I’m the author of How to Consciously Design Your Ideal Future, a book about radically adjusting your perspective of yourself and life.
Articles by
Benjamin Hardy
23 Smart Ways To Increase Your Confidence, Productivity, And Income
Face your resistance and do what you’re avoiding–that one thing that really matters, and will matter in 10 years, that you don’t want to do.
2 Quotes That Will Reshape Your Approach To Life
I’m certain there is SO MUCH in your life right now that is worth living for. You have an endless well of untapped potential within you, just sitting dormant. There is no next opportunity, only the one right in front of you. When are you going to start living?
50 Ways To Live On Your Own Terms
Remove all non-essentials from your life (start with your closet).
Tell Me What You Did Today And I’ll Tell You Who You Are
Look back on all the things you did today. Did you act like the person you wish to become? If you repeated today every day for the next year, realistically, where would you end up?
Why Most People Will Never Be Successful
The more successful you become, the less you can justify low quality. The more focused you must become. The more consistently your daily behaviors must be high quality — and increasingly higher quality.
Willpower Doesn’t Work; Here’s How to Actually Change Your Life
If you’re serious about the changes you want to make, willpower won’t be enough. Quite the opposite. Willpower is what’s holding you back.
8 Things Every Person Should Do Before 8 A.M.
Achieving goals is a science. There’s no confusion or ambiguity to it. If you follow a simple pattern, you can accomplish all of your goals, no matter how big they are.
How To Live ON PURPOSE And Maximize Every Freaking Day
Today can be as great as you want it to be. Your fate isn’t set. You get to decide how much of yourself you’re going to put into today.
This Is Our Obsession With Success And Why Most People Can’t Obtain The Amount They Want
If “success” is your primary objective, you probably won’t get it. Chasing success is like chasing happiness. You can’t pursue it directly.
8 Ways Billionaires And Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest Level
The following strategies are intended to shake up your approach, challenging you to work and live at a higher and more conscious level.
If You’re Too Busy For These 5 Things, Your Life Is More Off-Course Than You Think
How many days go by where you did nothing to move toward your big goals? Probably too many. Life is busy.
50 Ways Happier, Healthier, And More Successful People Live On Their Own Terms
You’ll be knowledgeable on several topics. You’ll think and see the world differently. You’ll be able to make more connections between different topics.
20 Signs You’ve Evolved As A Person
Every moment of each day is spent doing what you want to do. You are doing the work you love.
8 Simple Things You Should Do Every Day Before 8 A.M.
You’ll be better in your relationships. You’ll be happier. You’ll be more confident. You’ll be more bold and daring. You’ll have more clarity and vision.