I Hope You Become Rich

Rui Rocha
Rui Rocha

I hope you become rich in your life time. Not in the traditional aspect, but rich in the aspect that you are filled with knowledge, love, compassion, family, friends, laughter and in health – not money.

Money can make a person change, it can make a person greedy and cruel. The other aspects are what’s truly important in life and I hope you get to experience all those dimensions.

I hope you are overwhelmed with knowledge. I hope you don’t stop learning after you finish a formal education. I hope you are never the smartest person in the room because then you will never have anything to learn. I hope you keep your mind open and never shut down any possibilities before trying. I hope you are constantly reading and looking for new theories and words to inspire you. I hope you are rich with knowledge because that’s something a lot of people wish they had.

I hope you are overflowing with love in your life. I hope you don’t ever stop telling the people in your life how much they mean to you. I hope you realize that love is the greatest thing in the world and without love you really don’t have anything. Love is what makes the world go round and I hope you appreciate it. I hope you are rich in love because that’s something a lot of people wish they had.

I hope your heart is filled with endless compassion. I hope you realize just how fortunate you are to live the live you’ve been living. I hope you never see yourself above others and you never stop caring about the misfortunes of the people around you. I hope you donate when you can and I hope you volunteer a hand when you see someone struggling. I hope you don’t hide your heart from the world and you’re willing to step in when you see something that isn’t right. I hope you use your heart to help make the world better, even if it’s only for one person because that’s better than sitting by and doing nothing. I hope you give. I hope you are rich in compassion because that’s something a lot more people should have.

I hope you are surrounded by supportive family and friends in your life. I hope you have people who push you to do better, people who don’t allow you to take the easy way out and quit when things get hard. I hope you have people who inspire you and want the best for you. I hope you have people who love you no matter what and even though things can get hard they will remain by your side. I hope you are rich in family and friends because that’s something a lot of people wish they had.

I hope your stomach hurts from all your laughter. I hope you never stop trying to see the good in the world. I hope you surround yourself with people who uplift you, people who make you happy and people who know how to make you laugh. I hope you can share your smile with the world and crack a joke to help lift other people’s spirits. I hope you are rich in laughter because that’s something a lot of people wish they had.

I hope you are blessed with impeccable heath. I hope you don’t ever take your health for granted because once you no longer have your health you’ve got nothing. I hope you don’t trash your body with endless sugar and junk. I hope you take care of yourself and I hope you exercise while you still can. I hope you realize just how blessed you are when you’re born in good health and I hope you take care of yourself before it’s too late. I hope you are rich in health because that’s something a lot of people wish they had.

We associate being rich with having a lot of money, but you can be rich in so many other ways – even more important ways. I hope you are gracious of what you have and I hope you don’t underestimate just how truly blessed you are to be surrounded by love and laughter and health. A lot of people wish they were as lucky as you, I hope you know that.

I hope you become rich in all the right ways and more than anything I hope you are happy. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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