When You’re A Low-Maintenance Girl And Proud Of It

Sergey Zolkin
Sergey Zolkin

You’re the girl who starts getting ready fifteen minutes before you have to leave because you’re not trying to impress anyone; you’re only trying to please yourself. You’re the girl who doesn’t spend ten minutes perfecting the messy bun because you basically invented it. You’re the girl who doesn’t spend $200 on makeup trying to contour her face because to you it isn’t worth the time and money. You’re the girl who is happy the way she is when she rolls out of bed in the morning, not the kind that needs to shower and get dolled up before going to a diner for breakfast on a hangover kind of morning.

You’re the girl who doesn’t get all flustered when you get a little stain on yourself from spilling, because accidents happen and if you can’t change it right away then it’s not worth getting upset over. You don’t worry about the perfect lighting and angles for your Instagram pictures. You don’t take a hundred selfies to find the perfect one to post. You don’t need to have your nails painted perfectly and you’re eyebrows always on fleek.

You don’t have the menu at Starbucks memorized and you don’t know all the secret in and outs of the “secret menu” that everyone speaks of. If you see it and it sounds good, you order it. You don’t need five-star restaurants and fancy dinners (that people normally critique anyway) to keep you satisfied, you’re good with eating a burger at the baseball game.

You’re the girl who is happy doing her own thing, her own way without following the latest trends because you don’t need glamour to make you happy. You know what you want and what you like and that is all you need.

Shopping doesn’t make you giddy with excitement, you aren’t looking forward to the next big mall weekend with the girls because frankly, they spend way too much time and money analyzing everything about their potentially new outfits. You’re happy with shopping for cool retro clothes at a thrift store and wearing them proudly. You’re happy with the same jeans you’ve been wearing because they fit and they’re comfortable, so why drop another $50 on a newer pair? Just like seeing women walk around the mall or airport with high heels makes you cringe because there is no way in hell she is comfortable in those four inch heels.

You’re the girl who doesn’t understand why your friends stay with their boyfriends if all they do is complain about how unhappy you are, but instead of busting in on the drama you just lend an ear and give out some thought through advice about how they should just break up with him already.

You’re the girl who thinks the simple things in life are the best things in life because to you they are. You don’t need real diamonds or pearls to be happy, the ones on the Kohl’s jewelry rack work just fine.

You don’t need designer name brand bags or purses, you just need something that isn’t too uncomfortable to carry a few of your personal belongings in.

The simple things bring you joy, they make you happy and that’s awesome. You’re down to get dirty in nature because fun is what it’s all about. You don’t need a lot to be happy and spontaneous adventures bring you joy. You’re the girl who actually sings and dances without a care if anyone is watching because others opinions about you doesn’t change who you are as a person.

You’ve got your head in the right place, along with your heart. You’re going to be just fine in life, my low maintenance sister. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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