9 Men Explain The Difference Between Actually Dating And Just ‘Talking’


1. “It’s all about the level of commitment a guy is willing to give. If you’re dating someone, you’re putting some sort of label. But talking is so vague. You can be talking to multiple girls. It’s really nothing special.”

 — Drew


2. “Guess it depends. Sometimes we say talking because we don’t know what the other person is thinking. It’s like when two people are dancing around their feelings because they’re nervous it won’t be reciprocated. You know, testing the water.” — Danny


3. “In my experience, talking usually just means hooking up, but without other expectations. Dating means a level of effort.” — Aidan


4. “Talking is the pre-dating stage.” — Reid


5. “If I ever say I’m talking to a girl, it usually means I’m weighing my options. I know that sounds kinda messed up. But if you’re super into someone, you want to be with them. You’re not afraid to commit and call it dating.” — Luke


6. “Talking is just an easy way to say it’s someone you’re interested in without clearly defining it.” — Paul


7. “I tend to say I’m talking to a girl if I like her, but don’t know her level of interest in me. Dudes are way more sensitive than we like to admit and don’t want to put our heart on the line if it’s one-sided.” — Jordan


8. “The only difference is what you tell people. You can be dating and ‘talking’ and doing the exact same thing. But if he’s really into you, he’d refer to you as the girl he’s dating, not just talking to.” — Marcus


9. “I actually rarely say I’m talking to someone because I think it sounds incredibly dumb. Either we’re dating or not. There really shouldn’t be some weird limbo.” — Trey Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Ari Eastman

✨ real(ly not) chill. poet. writer. mental health activist. mama shark. ✨

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