I Cheated On My Girlfriend For A Year And The Way She Found Out Was Absolutely Terrifying (For Both Of Us)
I land in Toronto for my brief layover and I have an urgent message of my girlfriend waiting on Facebook. She is crying hysterically and saying to call her right away, which I do.
An Open Letter To Women Who Sleep With Taken Men
You are the bad karma he has earned.
Don’t Date A Girl With Daddy Issues
Lately, the only lasting issues I’ve had from my “Daddy issues” stem from the ones society seems to have with them.
A Politically Incorrect Guide To What ‘Good Sex’ Means For Women
The “no means no” talk definitely doesn’t always apply in the confines of a lot of relationships.
Here’s What Happened On The Night I Tried To Kill Myself
The last thing I can remember is being downstairs, and getting called into the living room once again for the dreaded lecture.
To The Millennial I Left My Wife For (And 8 Parting Words Of Advice)
We never seemed to run out of things to talk about, and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other.
I Am The Girl Waiting For Your Text
You didn’t reply because you had expected you’d see me this weekend anyway. You’d just text me on Friday night. Right?
16 Myths About Sugar Babies That Everyone Believes
I have had one relationship where we cuddled, went on dates, kissed, and did lots of other things, but never had “real” sex. And that was fine with both of us.
9 Hard Truths I Learned From Screwing A Random Dude
Last spring I split up with my long-term boyfriend, and embarked on journey of debauchery and shame over the summer. Filth was the name I gave to my first proper one-night stand (for obvious reasons), and he certainly changed my entire…
I Don’t Love My Boyfriend Anymore, But I Can’t Break Up With Him
You are wondering why I can’t break up with someone I don’t love anymore, and, honestly, so am I.
I’m The Girl Your Husband Is Sleeping With, And I Kind Of Think You Deserve It
For whatever reason, I have always been the girl that guys talk to. Like really talk to.
Tipping 20 Percent Is Ridiculous, And If You Want More, Get A Real Job
And, even though food service workers don’t love to talk about it because it doesn’t look good for their victim complex, they make pretty good money.
I’m A Retail Employee Who Helped Beyoncé And Blue At A Clothing Store: Here’s What Happened
One second I’m watching Bey walk in, and the next second I’ve bee-lined straight for her, and am somehow arm-in-arm, escorting her into the nearest dressing room.
How Do You Tell Your Best Friend You’re In Love With Them?
There are times when you look at your friend and realize they’ve been much more all along. So what do you do?
Don’t Tell Me That You Miss Me
Don’t add in “I miss you” as the reason you suggest we grab coffee and catch up sometime. When we both know we’ll never make good on that promise.
The Actual Signs Someone Is Being Unfaithful, From A Former Serial Cheater
If you inquire as to where they were on a certain night, why they are texting so-and-so, or any other obvious indicators that something could be happening, and they immediately become very defensive and angry with you, that is the biggest red flag.
8 Things Girls With/Recovering From Eating Disorders Are Sick Of Hearing
Contrary to popular opinion, you don’t need to be 80lbs and a skeleton to be struggling with an eating disorder.
I Feel Sorry For Amy Glass And I’m Not Ashamed
If you fell off your high horse and suffered a concussion or broken arm, would you know what to do without calling the hospital? When does a head injury need stitches? Do you know? I do. That makes me a Doctor.