I Still Believe In Love, No Matter How Many Times It Has Failed Me

Joao Silas

I fall in love really quickly. And I am not ashamed to admit it. When I find someone endearing, I immediately profess my feelings towards them. I am very impulsive when it comes to liking someone. I believe that life is too short to have words left unsaid in the corners of my mind. I always love to cut through the chase and just say what’s inside my heart.

So when I come up to the realization that there’s no way my love will be returned, I get angry, frustrated, sad, and embarrassed. I grow disappointed in myself for being too open, too gullible, and too crazy for love. I hate myself for being too blind to the warnings of having a one-sided love story.

Someone once told me that I am quite an emotional one when it comes to finding a relationship. I take things way too seriously. But that’s because I don’t see love as a joke. I don’t think it’s okay to play with someone’s emotion. I don’t think it’s fair to let people hang by a thread, or have them wait for you until you make up your mind about them.

And maybe that’s the major reason why someone hesitates to love me back. Maybe I scare them away. Maybe they assume that I’m needy. Maybe they think I’m too intimidating to be in a relationship with.

Maybe my big idea about love is too much for them to handle.

But I will not compromise the way I love just because some people do not appreciate my heart.

I will not stop searching for the one who will feel lucky to be loved by me. I will keep waiting for a love that will come back to me. Because I know that love comes to those who patiently wait.

Love doesn’t forget the ones who never give up despite their failures in finding the right one. And love has a magical way of granting the wishes of those who show their faith and trust in time.

I have fallen in love with undeserving people before. I have been rejected by someone I really liked. But those experiences of unrequited love didn’t make me less of a hopeless romantic. Because I still love a lot. I still love deeply.

I still believe in the kind of relationship that moves mountains. I believe in love that easily changes all your perspective in life. I believe in a romance that lights a fire inside your chest. I believe that one day, I will be able to meet someone who won’t make me feel crazy about the way I love.

One day, someone will be willing to love me more, and I will no longer have to worry whether my affections will be reciprocated. One day, I will no longer have to run, chase, and ask someone to love me back. One day, I will be settled in the arms of a person who will never leave me feeling dissatisfied.

I will be surrounded by enough care, enough attention, enough sympathy, and enough understanding.

One day, someone will be amazed by the way I love deeply. And someone will be glad to take ownership of my heart. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Caerlang

Angelo Caerlang is the author of Sparks in Broken Lights.

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