Andi Terblanche

Articles by
Andi Terblanche
7 People Share Their Stories On The Most F*cked Up Thing They Ever Said In Bed
She immediately stopped and then we had to have a big conversation later about using the word slut and that she’s not a slut just because she’s going down on me. I didn’t want a lesson on feminism, it was just something I said in the heat of the moment.
14 Things You Should Know Before You Date Someone Who’s Actually Awkward
They’re never going to be the kind of person who wants to take endless selfies with their partner.
13 Signs You’re Not The Marrying Kind
You would rather die than know the difference between ivory and eggshell.
15 Tragic Signs You’re Dealing With A Fuckboy
If a guy tries to guilt trip you for not sending a pic – he’s a fuckboy.
16 Signs You’re A Basic Bitch In The Bedroom
4. You’re repulsed by men who use flesh lights but have no problem with women who use dildos.