12 Of The Simplest Truths That Will Help You To Achieve Happiness Every Day

Liat Aharoni
Liat Aharoni

What I want to tell you is the simple truth of it all (in my humble opinion) and I need you to listen carefully.

1. Honey will always bring more light to you than poison.

2. If something does not fit you in the store, don’t buy it.

3. Men or women who know only of your body, don’t deserve a shelter there.

4. Skin is only skin and when you start to give more meaning to color than soul, you have lost too much of what makes you human.

5. You can’t make someone love you. There isn’t enough money or pleasure in the world that can force someone to give you their heart. Love, at its core, is free and must be given without strings, conditions, or guidelines. That being said…

6. Love is love is love is love. Whether or not someone agrees with the packaging is irrelevant. Love between two humans, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, background, or status, is beautiful. No amount of hate can change this.

7. If you need help, ask for it. It does not make you weak. It just means you know your limits, and that in itself is a strength.

8. Your passions and dreams are not given to you lightly. Follow them. See where they lead. You have one life in which to do all the things you wish to do. Use it to the best of your ability.

9. Nothing in this world can weigh you down if you simply choose not to grab hold of the anchor.

10. Surround yourself with people who love you and support you always. These are the people you should invest your energy in. These people will be your lifelong family.

11. You matter. This has been said a million times, but what I know to be true is that my heart learns best with repetition. YOU MATTER. And there are too many reasons why for you to ever believe otherwise.

12. Today is a good day to be alive. Always. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Alison Malee is a poet and the author of the book Shifting Bone.

Shifting Bone is available as a physical and electronic book. You can buy it here

About the author

Alison Malee

Alison Malee is an accomplished poet, author, and actress. Read her book Shifting Bone here.

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