Shut Up And Kiss Me

Valéria Almeida
Valéria Almeida

You could look at me and compare me to every single ex that you’ve had. You could analyze the fact that I’m taller or louder or smarter. You could look at me and think how the hell did this girl come into my life and change everything around? You could start to think about all of the doubts inside of your brain about why you’re not good enough.

Or you could just shut up and kiss me.

I could panic (again) about everything that I think I can’t offer you. I could look at every single ex that has told me I’m not good enough to ever fall in love. I could listen to every single doubter who has said that my unwillingness to be vulnerable will completely hinder my chances at a relationship. I could believe that maybe love will not come to someone like me.

Or I could just shut up and kiss you.

You could think about the fact that maybe right now you’re not ready for this. You could think about how I’m going to be more pressure to your life than what you need. You could think about how it’s scary that with me, you feel more like yourself. You feel as though you can tell me anything and if you lost me then you’d be incredibly sad.

Or you could just shut up and kiss me.

I could stay away from you. I could let myself get so completely terrified about the fact that I’m not perfect and neither are you. I could let every single insecurity I know you can see just completely plague me until I’m a nervous wreck even thinking about you. I could let myself think about how losing you would hurt because not only are you someone I find amazing but you’re also my best friend.

Or I could just shut up and kiss you.

You could get lost in your own brain and create two different stories about how ours end. One of those stories is like a fairy tale that every person wants to experience. The other ends in devastation and feelings as casualties. We’ll both blame each other for our shortcomings even though we say we’ll still be friends. It’s a tossup for which way it’s going to go and not being able to predict the future is driving you slightly crazy.

Or you could just shut up and kiss me.

I could agonize over saying the right thing at the right time. I could try to be cool and pretend that I never get fazed by anything. I could let you think that I’m completely put together and reign in all of my crazy outbursts. I could change into someone I think I need to be instead of just letting you see the real me; the real me I’ve been only with you.

Or I could just shut up and kiss you.

You could talk about it with your friends until your face is blue about whether or not you want to go down this path with me. You could think about how easily you could cross that line and how as soon as you do, everything is going to be different. You could think about all the reasons why you don’t think you deserve me because you’ve tried before and failed miserably when it comes to dating.

Or you could shut up and kiss me.

I could tell my friends that I’m so petrified about the fact that you make me happy. I could tell my friends about all the things I’ve said and how I’ve felt like a completely dork at times. I could tell my friends that you are the scariest thing I’ve ever felt but they already know that. They already know from looking at me that whatever happens you have changed me for the better. I could think about the future instead of the present.

Or I could shut up and kiss you.

We could think about how your parents might not like me as much as your ex or how my parents might not like you as much as my ex. We could think about that it feels almost too good when we talk to each other. We could think about how when things feel too good to be true, they often are but then again we’re not too good to be true. We’ve had rough patches. We’ve hit insecurities in both of us. We’ve both had panic moments.

So really, we need to just shut up and kiss each other. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alexandria Brown

Expert in all things burrito and Bernese Mountain Dog related topics

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