What You Were Supposed To Learn From Your Almost Relationship
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that almost is not enough. Sometimes is not enough. Halfway is not enough. If someone wants to be with you, then they will put in the effort all of the time. They will commit all of the way.

Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you to hold onto the people who matter. To admit your feelings while you still have them. To never let the chance go by to tell someone how much they mean to you. To stop worrying about how your honesty will make you look and be brave enough to tell the truth, because if you remain silent, then you could miss out on the chance to create something real.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that you deserve more. You deserve more than good morning texts twice a week. You deserve more than last minute hangout sessions that turn into make out sessions. You deserve more than someone who treats you well when you are around, but treats you like you are nonexistent when you go a few days without seeing each other.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that almost is not enough. Sometimes is not enough. Halfway is not enough. If someone wants to be with you, then they will put in the effort all of the time. They will commit all of the way.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that having chemistry with someone does not mean that you are meant to end up with them. There is a difference between interest and involvement. There is a difference between liking someone enough to text them on a daily basis and liking someone enough to make an actual commitment.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that falling for someone always comes with a risk of disappointment. Not everyone is going to meet your expectations. Not everyone is going to meet your standards. When that happens, you have to move on. You can’t keep asking yourself questions. You can’t keep your focus on the past.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that closure isn’t always given. Sometimes, people fade out of your life without telling you why. Sometimes, relationships end before they begin with zero explanation. Sometimes, love sucks.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you to enjoy the moment while it lasts. Even though your almost-ex was only in your world for a brief period of time, that doesn’t make them any less important. That doesn’t make your time together any less special. That doesn’t make their impact on you any less strong.
Your almost relationship was meant to teach you how strong you are inside. Even though it hurts now that they are gone, even though it might be a while until you feel okay again, you are strong enough to survive without them. You are strong enough to do better without them.
Your almost relationship was supposed to teach you that you haven’t met your person yet — but you are getting closer to them every single day. One day, you will find your forever. One day, you will find the reason why your almost relationship never panned out. One day, you will find someone who doesn’t accept almost.