17 People Share How They’ve Maintained A Successful And Lasting Relationship (In 5 Words Or Less)

“Fighting can be healthy.”



1. “Listening matters more than fixing.”

–Nicholas, married 14 years

2. “If you’re upset, tell them.”

–Celia, in a relationship 8 years

3. “Understand you’ll both constantly change.”

–Melinda, married 19 years

4. “Don’t try to be right.”

–Stuart, married 31 years

5. “More good times than bad.”

–Ivan, married 22 years

6. “Accept that love is hard.”

–Eric, in a relationship 10 years

7. “Say what you feel.”

–Alessandra, 16 years

8. “Ask each other important questions.”

–Marlon, married 12 years

9. “Remember they’re not a mindreader.”

–Babs, married 41 years

10. “Nothing ‘easy’ is worth it.”

–Chase, married 11 years

11. “Fighting can be healthy.”

–Erika, in a relationship 6 years

12. “Don’t try to change them.”

–Suz, married 24 years

13. “Truth will be your lifeblood.”

–Noah, in a relationship 13 years

14. “Relationship = number one priority.”

–Henry, married 20 years

15. “Say sorry when you should.”

–Yvette, married 19 years

16. “Ask for help.”

–Kristopher, married 23 years

17. “Love them through everything.”

–Michele, married 31 years Thought Catalog Logo Mark