This Is Why You Are NEVER Going To Get Over Him
You're never going to get over him, because you refuse to let go of him fully. There are still pieces of him littered across your life.
You’re never going to get over him, because you’re stubborn. You thought he was the one and it turned out you were wrong — but you don’t want to admit that. You don’t want to come to terms with the fact that your heart led you the wrong way.
You’re never going to get over him, because you keep replaying the memories in your head. It doesn’t matter if you think about the good times or the bad times — if you’re fantasizing about what could have been or if you’re trying to figure out where exactly it all went wrong. The fact that you’re thinking about him is enough.
You’re never going to get over him, because you refuse to let go of him fully. There are still pieces of him littered across your life. Have you erased all of his photos? Have you deleted him from social media? Have you put away the gifts he bought you? Or do you still walk around wearing his necklace underneath the collar of your shirt and stalking his Instagram late at night?
You’re never going to get over him, because you have a superhuman image of him in your head. Even though he hurt you, you aren’t seeing his betrayal as a flaw. You’re seeing it as your flaw and are continuing to look at him like he’s perfect. Like he can do no wrong.
You’re never going to get over him, because you keep bringing him up in conversation. You ask his friends how he’s doing. You tell your friends how much you miss him — or maybe even how much you hate his guts. Either way, it’s creating the illusion that he’s still in your life. That he still has control over you.
You’re never going to get over him, because you aren’t keeping busy. Instead of focusing on work or school or hobbies, you let your mind wander. You give yourself permission to think about him much more than you should.
You’re never going to get over him, because you still have a spark of hope hiding in your heart. If he texted you, you would answer. If you ran into him, you would hug him. If he asked you to get back together again, you would say yes.
You’re never going to get over him, because you give out too many chances. You’re too sweet. Too forgiving. But you can’t be willing to settle for someone that isn’t willing to grow for you.
You’re never going to get over him, because it’s easier to dwell on the pain that you’re used to, the pain that you’ve been experiencing for weeks, months, years — than to put yourself in a situation where you could get hurt by someone new. You’re scared to date again, because you don’t want a repeat in history. You don’t want the same pain to hit you all over again.
You’re never going to get over him, because you’re holding on too tight. Because you’re refusing to loosen your grip.
You’re never going to get over him if you keep doing what you’re doing. So make a change, even if it’s a small one. Slowly breathe him out of your life. Because you deserve to get over him. You deserve to move on.