How To Make The Most Of The Last Week In June, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

June is coming to a close, but it’s not too late to make the most of this month. Just listen to the stars and tackle the task assigned to you.


(March 21st to April 19th)

Spend 15 minutes a day meditating.


(April 20th to May 21st)

Treat yourself—book a massage or a mani / pedi or purchase something you wouldn’t ordinarily let yourself buy to remind yourself that you’re worth it.


(May 22nd to June 21st)

Challenge yourself to be slightly more productive each day.


(June 22nd to July 22nd)

Reconnect with an old friend.


(July 23rd to August 22nd)

Do something new each day, even if it’s something as minor as buying your coffee from a different café.


(August 23rd to September 22nd)

Cross every lingering item off your To Do list.


(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Make a wish every night as you lie in bed before falling asleep.


(October 23rd to November 22nd)

Say a little pray each morning, whether or not you’re religious or spiritual.


(November 23rd to December 21st)

Try cooking something you’ve never made before.


(December 22nd to January 20th)

Give someone close to you a gift—a trinket or something you make just for them. Nothing expensive, but something meaningful.


(January 21st to February 18th)

Spend 30 minutes a day in nature.


(February 19th to March 20th)

Embrace a minimalist attitude and clean out your closet, your desk, or the fridge. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

I am a naughty forest nymph.