150 Cute Nicknames That Will Make You (And Your Boo) Smile Wide
The perfect nickname will stick for ages. Whether you’ve just started dating or you’re already in a long-term relationship, it’s important to settle on the exact right nickname for your person. Here’s a list of all the best cute nicknames for you to scroll through before deciding what to call your significant other.
1. Pancake
2. Boo
3. Prince / Princess
4. Foxy
5. Captain Awesome
6. Handsome
7. Beautiful
8. Irresistible
9. Honey
10. Dumpling
11. Sexy
12. Stud
13. Angel
14. Lover
15. Bug
16. Chief
17. Darling
18. Best friend
19. Gorgeous
20. Beloved
21. Pumpkin
22. Stud muffin
23. Rockstar
24. My guy
25. Sugar
26. Amore
27. Big guy
28. Boss
29. Cowboy
30. Bear
31. Cuddle bear
32. Big bear
33. Sexy bear
34. Good lookin’
35. Monkey
36. Sunshine
37. Candy face
38. Prince Charming
39. My love
40. Hercules
41. Loverboy / Lovergirl
42. Cuddles
43. Doll face
44. Killer
45. Guapo
46. Puppy face
47. Magic man / Magic Lady
48. Mr. Wonderful / Mrs. Wonderful
49. Muscle Man
50. Hero
51. Poo Butt
52. Butt Nugget
53. Love Nugget
54. Stinky Pinky
55. Stallion
56. Bubble Butt
57. My Beloved
58. Behbeh
59. Bae-bae
60. Deuce Bigalow
61. Pebbles
62. Bam-Bam
63. Love Sponge
64. Sugar Balls
65. Master Balls
66. Poops
67. Peeps
68. Stud Muffin
69. Gooby
70. Snugglepuff
71. Fuzz Head
72. Butt Face
73. Huggles
74. Baby Cakes
75. Love Bully
76. My Lord / My Lady
77. Cheese Head
78. Grump Master Flex
79. King / Queen of Awesome
80. Sir / Miss Poops A Lot
81. Sir / Miss Farts A lot
82. Snore Face
83. Cuddle Bunny
84. Snuggle Bunny
85. Love Bunny
86. Snuggle Face
87. Lover-1
88. Numbah One Lovah
89. Big Papa / Mama
90. Casanova
91. Fart Face
92. Poo Face
93. Booger Head
94. Booger Buns
95. Love Buns
96. Kissy Face
97. Mister / Misses Awesome
98. General Awesome
99. [first initial]-Money
100. Snores A Lot
101. Spanky
102. Master Muffin Top
103. Fuzzy Nugget
104. Peaches
105. Mister / Misses Kisses
106. Dasher
107. Dancer
108. Prancer
109. First two letters of their first name + first two letters of their last name
110. Angel Cakes
111. Angel Face
112. Goober
113. Mushy Face
114. Smoosh Face
115. Nugget head
116. Miss Awesome Face
117. Miracle Man / Lady
118. Lady Awesome
119. Cupcake Head
120. Butthead
121. Smiley
122. Smurf / Smurfette
123. Mouse
124. Tiger
125. Jaguar
126. Booger
127. Smooches
128. Pillow Lips
129. Tart
130. Tangerine
131. Clementine
132. Potato Face
133. Sweet Potato
134. Candy
135. Chuckles
136. Biscuit
137. Love Tub
138. Buns
139. Cinnamon
140. Crispy
141. Creamy
142. Stinky
143. Poodle
144. Pie Face
145. Forever Love
146. Only
147. Double-O (Only One)
148. Love Squared
149. Numero Duo
150. M.O.H. (My Other Half)