Stephanie White

Articles by
Stephanie White
You Already Know Him
He’ll be patient and he’ll listen and he’ll look forward to the sound of your voice. He’ll remember the edges of your smallest conversations and he’ll save them in a safe spot just in case.
The Most Insane Messages I’ve Ever Received On OkCupid
“I know you don’t know me but I’m kind of a big deal;)”
Reasons Why Apple Store Employees Would Make The Best Boyfriends Ever
The moment you step foot into an Apple store, you are bombarded with a bunch nerdy dudes named like “Steve” or “Dan” dressed in blue tee shirts and beyond eager to assist you. They genuinely want to know how your day is going and how THEY can make it better. IS THIS A DREAM?
5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After 10 PM, For People With Unreliable Emotions
“He HAS to know how I feel! And he has to know RIGHT NOW!”
10 Signs You’ve Actually Lost Your Mind
It’s Friday night and you’re eating tofu in the Whole Foods parking lot. Standing up. Over the hood of your car. Nothing about this feels strange or pathetic to you.