Shane Reuss

Articles by
Shane Reuss
19 Things Guys Text You (And What They Really Mean)
Here are some handy translations so that you no longer have to send screenshots to your friends trying to decipher what a period instead of an question mark means.
Guys Want To Fall In Love, Too
We want to have a relationship. Get sappy with someone. The whole thing. Sure, our antics probably don’t suggest this and a lot of our lives don’t read “ready for romance” but if you look, the signs are all there. We’re human, after all.
23 Things Your Boyfriend Wants To Thank You For
All those times you tell me what’s wrong, instead of saying “it’s fine” and then blowing up a day later.
8 Girls You Should Never Let Yourself Fall In Love With, For Any Reason
She’ll laze through your life as if it is her own, and always mentions that she’s so glad you guys are good friends. (You’ll hear the emphasis on the good, not the friends, and it will make you feel hopeful.)