You Don’t Deserve A Sometimes Kind Of Love
When I look at you, I don’t see a girl who’s broken and bruised. I see a girl so immensely incredible and strong, with a future so bright – because you’ve fought and lost but you know your life is more than just this one fight.
Sarah Cae

This is to the beautiful girl I had lunch with today. The girl who loved and fought, only to lose. Except, she didn’t just lose him, she lost everything. And now she’s standing alone at the top of a cliff. She could jump, finish her story right there. But she hasn’t.
She hasn’t because she knows her story isn’t over. Yes, this chapter has ended and left her with a ton of blank pages waiting for her to rewrite her story. She didn’t expect that, she had already penned the next few chapters. But that doesn’t matter. There’s a whole lot of life to be lived – and she’s only just beginning.
To the beautiful girl I had lunch with today, you don’t deserve a sometimes kind of love.
You don’t deserve the way he decided when to love you. Love is always. I’m sorry he’s tainted it for you.
You don’t deserve how he chose to love you. Love is unconditional. I’m sorry he’s blackened it for you.
You don’t deserve a sometimes kind of love.
You deserve someone who will see you and know your worth instantly.
He will see your resilience and he will not be intimidated.
He will see your strength and he will not be scared.
He will see your past – and how you’ve risen above it and he will love you for it.
He will never choose when or how to love you – he will love you unconditionally and always.
To the beautiful girl I had lunch with today, I just want you to know that when I look at you, I don’t see a girl who’s broken and bruised.
I see a girl so immensely incredible and strong, with a future so bright – because you’ve fought and lost but you know your life is more than just this one fight. So you just keep fighting.
To the beautiful girl I had lunch with today, you don’t – and never will – deserve a sometimes kind of love.
Because, you are love.