Sarah Cae

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Articles by
Sarah Cae
This Is The Moment When You Will Know You’ve Found ‘The One’
How can you find Forever if you’re always looking for the end?
You Don’t Deserve A Sometimes Kind Of Love
When I look at you, I don’t see a girl who’s broken and bruised. I see a girl so immensely incredible and strong, with a future so bright – because you’ve fought and lost but you know your life is more than just this one fight.
10 Everyday Struggles For People Who Are ‘Socially Selective’
Try explaining to the guy you actually really like that it’s just one of those days where you crave a bit of space and time to yourself instead of hanging out with him.
10 Little Signs He Views You As More Than Just A Fling
He initiates. He plans dates and he follows through. He surprises you with flowers and your favorite chocolate on the way home from work. He cleans up if you’ve done the cooking.
This Is What Happens When You’re The One Who Loves More
You will see it in the way he places you second while he’s your first. You will see it in the way he hears you but he listens to other people. You will see it in the way he’s excited to see you but you’re ecstatic to see him.
What To Do When You Realize They Do Not Love You Back
I know you didn’t love me because when you couldn’t understand me, instead of trying, you only got angry. And angrier when I tried to help and it didn’t help.
This Is What Love Is
Love is not understanding what you’re feeling because there isn’t a word in the English language to describe what you feel.
This Is How I Know I’m Going To Lose You
Maybe it was my fault you didn’t love me. I didn’t fall for you but I did love you. Maybe I wasn’t sure but I know now I did. And maybe I still do.