Sandra Rose

Writer, feminist, cat mom, photography novice
Articles by
Sandra Rose
How My Battle With Depression Made Me A Stronger Person
I often think harboring the secret of my depression was the most difficult part of the entire ordeal. The amount of energy I spent trying to pretend everything was normal was what tired me the most.
This Is When You Know You’ve Found Real Love, Instead Of An Unsustainable ‘Hollywood’ Romance
Thanks to the nonviable world of Hollywood, we’re taught to believe the whole love experience is a candy-coated fantasy, permeated in absolute merriment. This representation couldn’t be farther from reality.
This Is What It Means To Be A Ride-Or-Die Friend
They’re the ones who make your friendship a priority, never permitting anything to come between you both. The kind of people who saturate your world in pigmented shades of neon, rather than lackluster hues of grey.
Don’t Just Give Your Heart To Anyone
Don’t just give your heart freely. Place it gently in the tender hands of man who will accept every part of you. A person who will see past your imperfections to the point where they’re blurred and no longer visible.
Give Your Heart To A Man Like This
Give your heart to a guy who will make you a priority instead of a second option.