Girl inspects her tongue, sticking it out in the mirror
God & Man

How You’re Turning Off Your Crush, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

GEMINI: You're too low-key about your intentions. When it comes to mushy feelings, Gemini, you're not exactly the smoothest operator.


Girl inspects her tongue, sticking it out in the mirror
God & Man


You try too hard. You convince yourself that you’re slick as fuck, and you can be. The trouble is, that sometimes you crave your crush’s attention and validation so much that you overdo things. Your feelings become overtly obvious, and the excitable way you behave can eventually be irritating.


While you can be a pleasing and sweet person, you can also get incredibly defensive over your beliefs and aren’t afraid to voice out-loud your irritations. If your crush has ever accidentally walked in on you throwing a rant or a tantrum, then kiss your chances goodbye.


You’re too low-key about your intentions. When it comes to mushy feelings, Gemini, you’re not exactly the smoothest operator. You take a subtler approach to flirting, and, often, this leads your crush to believe you just want to be buddies. Why else would you keep tagging them in memes, right?


You’re very obvious about your feelings, yet you don’t really act on them. Your crush may be the lucky recipient of tons of sincere compliments and invites to seemingly casual hangouts, but you still expect them to be the one to chase after you, regardless if they actually return your feelings or not. The person you’re attracted to KNOWS you like them, and they exploit this knowledge without committing to you, until they get bored of you.


They’re overwhelmed by the lavish gifts and attention you’re showering them with. Leos are brazen and open about their intentions, and sometimes this transparency can intimidate the object of your affection.


Your crush can sense your uncomfortableness and nervousness when you bump into each other. Although this can be seen as cute, your crush may also see this as self-consciousness. Your temper can also be a reason for chasing your beloved away. If they’ve chanced upon you during a bad day, then they might think that it’s unattractive how quickly irritable you can get.


Libra, you’re one of the cutest – if not THE cutest – of all the signs. But sometimes you begin to question yourself too much. “Should I say hi or not? Why didn’t I text back fast enough? Why didn’t THEY text back yet? Do I look nice today? Can they smell that I had garlic for lunch?” All these thoughts and more are constantly running around in your head. Your crush can sense that they already have you wrapped around their finger, and may easily lose interest if they’re the type who enjoys the chase.


Your innate nature causes most people to believe you are disinterested and passive – including your crush. We all know you are a passionate and lively person once you open up, but the apple of your eye doesn’t know this. They’ll conclude that you’re just too cool for them, and that they don’t stand a chance with someone like you.


You’re a passenger-side rider when it comes to romantic partnerships. This attitude also translates to when you’re still crushing on someone. You expect them to make the first move, and your crush may not appreciate the lack of effort you show in attaining their affections.


You’re a natural flirter online. You’re especially great at communicating your flirtation via text, snap, tweet, or even vague Facebook status updates. Unfortunately, in person, you’re pretty plain. Your crush may think you’re being two-faced, or that you’re sending mixed signals. Learn to be as suave as you are online when you’re offline.


Even though you’re one of the most detached and hard-to-impress signs, once you’ve become infatuated in someone, there’s no stopping the floodgates. You become completely enamored by your crush, and sometimes you make them feel overwhelmed by all the attention you’re bestowing upon them.


You’re terrible at flirting. Once you come in contact with your crush, you’re just a bundle of nerves and awkwardness. Your crush may not find it endearing, and think you’re too naive. Thought Catalog Logo Mark