Break Up With Your Boyfriend, You’re Better Than Him
Break up with your boyfriend because you’re better than him and deep down he knows that.
Rose Goodman
Break up with your boyfriend, you’re better than him. Break up with your boyfriend because when he looks in those beautiful eyes of yours, he doesn’t understand the depth of them, he doesn’t want to dive right in and discover all of the layers of you. He doesn’t get swept up by them, he doesn’t get lost in them; he doesn’t lose time in them.
Break up with your boyfriend because whilst you plan exciting dates full of adventures, he doesn’t even make the effort to cook you dinner after you’ve had a difficult day. He doesn’t put as much thought into making you happy as you do for him, he never wants to be the one who is giving ‘more’ or ‘putting more in’, he doesn’t go out of his way to make you feel special and loved, not in the way that you do for him.
Break up with your boyfriend because you wake up every day with the intention of making him feel happy and loved, he is your priority, whilst to him, you are treated like a chore. He makes you feel as if you are his last thought and last concern, he makes you feel like his female friends are more important than you, he goes out of his way to make you jealous. Break up with your boyfriend because you are loyal in every aspect of your life- you don’t text male friends whilst the two of you are together, you don’t keep opposite-sex friendships a secret from him, you don’t make him feel as if he has to compete with the other men in your life. Break up with your boyfriend because you understand the way innocent behaviors can seem shady and you protect him from feeling second-best or jealous, whilst he doesn’t do the same for you. Break up with your boyfriend because he gets a kick out of seeing you worry about the girl at work or the female friend who blows up his phone when you’re meant to be spending the evening together.
Break up with your boyfriend because he takes you for granted; he thinks you’ll be around forever, no matter how poorly he treats you. Break up with your boyfriend because he thinks flowers and chocolates replace communication and sincere apologies. Break up with your boyfriend because whilst you reflect and work to change your behavior to make your relationship stronger in future, he makes empty promises and empty statements, and resorts back to lies and shady behaviour within a week, because words are just words to him, because he will always tell you what you want to hear, rather than actually work on himself to be worthy of you.
Break up with your boyfriend because it doesn’t matter what you do, how many times you tell him he needs to be better, how many times you threaten to leave, how many times you cry over the same crappy treatment, he won’t ever change. Because someone who can’t understand what an incredible thing they have in front of them, never will. Because guys like that think so highly of themselves that they believe beautiful, intelligent, magical girls like you will always be falling at his feet. Because he simply sees you as someone replaceable, not someone worth holding on to.
Break up with your boyfriend because you’re better than him and deep down he knows that, and that is why he treats you as if you are less than him. He believes that in breaking your spirit, you will stay with him forever.
Break up with your boyfriend because he won’t see it coming, because you deserve to show him just how empowered and independent you are, because you need to see that look on his face when he realizes he has just lost the best thing that will ever happen to him.
Break up with your boyfriend because it will be the best thing you ever make happen because as soon as you walk out of that door, your life will take you on so many amazing adventures, full of people worthy of you.
And if you stay, you’ll never get to fall in love with life, but most importantly, yourself.