Moving On Is Hard But Some People Make It Easier
Moving on gets easier when you realize that this person may be extraordinary but still not right for you.
Rania Naim

Moving on is hard but it gets easier when the person you’re trying to forget has already forgotten you.
It gets easier when the person you’re missing is not even trying to reach out to you to know if you’re okay.
It gets easier with every unanswered text and every missed call and every passionate conversation turned cold.
It gets easier when their presence makes you sad instead of happy because you can feel the distance and the silence.
It gets easier when they keep choosing everyone else over you.
It gets easier when they give their attention to the people who never cared as much as you did.
It gets easier the more you realize that they never appreciated you or love. They were always looking for something else that you couldn’t give. They were always looking at the glass half-empty. They were always looking for a reason to run away.
Moving on is hard but when the person has already moved on, it forces you to move on too.
Because your heart is big and is full of love to give, but only to the person who is ready to receive that kind of love. The person who is willing to understand this love and appreciate it instead of trying to find faults in it.
Moving on gets easier when you realize that this person may be extraordinary but still not right for you.
It gets easier when you realize that maybe the person you thought you wanted is not the one who will make you happy, that everything you wanted ‘on paper’ doesn’t make you happy in real life.
The point of relationships is that it teaches us more about ourselves and what we’re looking for and what kind of person brings out the best in us and ultimately moving on teaches us our own worth and what we’re really willing to settle for.
Moving on gets easier when you know your value and you know how to choose yourself because you’ll be able to walk away from anyone who doesn’t choose you and you won’t look back.