Phoenix Askani
Articles by
Phoenix Askani
A Man Body Shamed While Dancing Is Having A Party Thrown Just For Him
Internet bullying is no joke. That’s why I’m so very pleased to see something amazing come from a rudely captioned photo taken by a body shaming jerk and posted on 4chan.
18 Examples Of What Menstruation Feels Like
4. I get choked up even watching cheesy commercials. Anything meant to be touching at all and I’m suffering to not embarrass myself.
Here’s What Texting With A Creepy Guy Looks Like
I made the mistake of giving a guy I’ve never met my phone number via a private message under the pretenses of well, you know, being friends.
15 Honest Reasons I Haven’t Responded To Your Text Yet
1. I’m focused on having sex with someone I actually like.
10 Stupid Things That Really Piss Me Off
1. When people try to get on a train or elevator before I have a chance to step off.
A Day On A Burning Angel Porn Set
We pick out some super tight little shorts with daggers on them and a little white bralette top, grey weed socks, and some old Chucks. No underwear. I’m into this idea.
20 Signs You Might Be A Stage Five Clinger
7. You have pictures of them saved to your phone and they don’t even have your number saved.