Here’s How The Mercury Retrograde In July Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

The keynote for the retrograde is this: Not needing something actually attracts it to you. 


Guess who’s back… back again? Shady’s back, so tell ya friends.

By “shady,” I mean the notorious Mercury retrograde we all wish would just… not. On July 7, 2019, Mercury will begin its retrograde in 4°28′ Leo. Mercury will switch retrograde course into Cancer on July 19, where it’ll station direct in 23°57′ Cancer on July 31. Mercury won’t reenter Leo until August 11.

Please take note of how important this retrograde is, as it’s taking place amidst a lot of eclipse energy. Usually retrogrades take their course in one sign for about 3 weeks, with all 3 retrogrades taking place within signs of the same element; however, this July we see this isn’t necessarily the case. Remember how last year the retrogrades took place in all fire signs? This year it’s taking place in water signs. Because we see this weird shift between Leo and Cancer, to say the least, there’s a lot of unfinished business we all have to tend to from last year’s cycles.

On August 21, 2017, we had a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in 28°53′ Leo (The Great American Solar Eclipse) with the Full Moon Partial Eclipse in 18°42′ Leo on August 11, 2018. The fact we have this retrograde taking place in two signs—especially in the sign of and on the date of the previous nodal cycle in Leo/Aquarius—is just… suss. Irregular. A little more than an “uncanny coincidence.” A beautifully written metaphor from the universe, if you will.

Despite the nuisance any retrograde can bring, it still forces us to bring our attention to whatever we may have possibly neglected amidst our focus in how we show up in whatever we do. Overall, it won’t be tough but recharging because we’re dealing with familiar energy as opposed to huge shake-ups.

With the New Moon Solar Eclipse taking place in Cancer this month as well, many of us are shedding and regenerating our being. For us to really step into this new cycle, we’re being asked to reevaluate ourselves in terms of self-expression and what we’re passionate about—whether it be endeavors, people, etc.

The keynote for the retrograde is this: Not needing something actually attracts it to you. The past is where our self-sabotage takes its stronghold; however, we can’t neglect our pasts either, as they’re the reason we are who we are. This time is great for releasing and integrating what works for us through reflection. This is less about quietness and more about practicing mindfulness—which, yes, also requires action. I mostly advise people not to act much during a retrograde, but this go around it’ll be almost impossible not to with the super-charged energy circulating throughout July.

Below are detailed Mercury Retrograde in Leo/Cancer forecasts for each sign. It’s crucial you check your ascendant sign to understand specific timing of general themes. To generate your birth chart, click here.

Here’s how each sign will personally be impacted:

Aries (March 21—April 19): Heart is where the home is.

Pop, lock, and rock it this month, Aries. It’s time to move yourself from the home into the heart. This retrograde is taking place in your 5th house of creativity and self-expression alongside Mars camping out to inspire new action and/or insight. The Sun and Moon are also hanging out in your 4th house of home, personal security, and family. As things are picking up for you in your career sector, you may feel drawn to starting something new (yet again) pertaining to love, fun-loving activities, or anything you’re passionate about. Be wary of mistaking your impulsivity as inspiration. Your anxiety may feel heightened, as last month likely didn’t provide as much clarity as you had hoped for.

Tune into the vibrational energy of your heart to weave out any anxieties especially pertaining to health, a living situation, creative pursuits, and how any of these relate to what the heart wants. Show gratitude for the blessings you have by spending time with someone you love, whether it be a distant friend, lover, etc. Remember, we receive more through gratitude. You have to first prepare a grateful heart before receiving what it deserves, Aries. Not needing to see those results will actually bring them to you. Flow.

Taurus (April 20—May 20): Move into the groove.

What groove are you moving to this month, Taurus? Surely you’ve enjoyed some you time– whether it be through travel or social time– over the past couple months. As this retrograde is taking course in your 4th house of personal security, home, and family alongside Mars, you may feel rejuvenated to the point where you’re ready to take new endeavors head on. Many of you are likely ready to relocate to where you can kick off what you’re hoping for. If not this, then others may feel a rush of excitement to where you neglect your personal space– which includes everything from living environment, family, friends, personal health, etc.

With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 3rd house of communication, information, and education, you’re being asked to take it easy and deal with the communication aspects of the endeavor you’ve invested in. Ensure you thoroughly examine any leases, contracts, or anything that can potentially place limitations post-retrograde if, say, you choose to take an alternate route to your goals. Talk out your thought processes with close ones, as they may provide unexpected insight. Get excited and don’t stress because it won’t be hectic. Whatever you do, just don’t jump in headfirst, Taurus. Not needing to get out there right now will actually help you get out there sooner.

Gemini (May 21—June 20): Time to put business in the front and party in the back.

Hope you had an outrageous month full of celebrations for your birthday, my lovely Geminis! Alas, your season is over. Time to get back to the real world. This retrograde is taking course in your 3rd house of communication, information, and education alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 2nd house of finances and materialism, you’ve likely changed course recently to where you’re trying to reestablish yourself. Whether it be a job, education, or even your personal presence, don’t let your anxiety take its stronghold on you as you may experience a bit uncomfortability, which for you isn’t normal. However, uncomfortability is your obstacle during this retrograde.

It’s advisable not to retreat or over-socialize but find a happy medium. Financial opportunities are bound to come your way soon simply if 1) you don’t feel a need to splurge your money on things you don’t need and 2) are open to new people who may connect you to what you’re looking for. You’re not trying to escape responsibilities but instead find a lighthearted way of flowing through them. Not needing to overthink everything actually brings clarity right to you, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21—July 22): The Universe is throwing you a surprise party. Show up and glow up.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my July Cancers and even my dear belated ones! I know this past June was likely full of trials and tribulations. You need not worry, however, because the weird juju is mostly passing. If anything, the Universe is here to throw y’all one huge birthday bash full of fun, love, and surprises. This retrograde is taking course in your 2nd house of finances and materialism alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 1st house of appearance and self-identity, the solar eclipse in your sign is dishing you karma—good or bad.

For those who’ve stayed afloat, hopeful, and worked hard despite anything, you may receive (or have already) a new opportunity pertaining to work or finances. For others, however, you might just have to show up outside your comfort zone to reap the rewards. Likewise, all of you need to be wary of anyone trying to steal your thunder. Stay inspired and empowered. Shine light onto others, but nurture your light above all else. It’s perfectly okay to make this time about you and your needs. Not needing to serve everyone else will actually serve them the good you intend for, Cancer.

Leo (July 23—August 22): Become through unbecoming.

Can you feel the anticipation, Leo? Yes, big breakthroughs and energy bursts are soon going to take course for you. While this time is revitalizing and empowering for you, your is season right around the corner, and it’s almost show time. Note that I said almost, however. That’s right—this retrograde is taking course in your 1st house of appearance and self-identity alongside Mars supercharging all endeavors you’re involved in. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 12th house of spiritual closure and transcendence, you’ll finally be making peace with an old part of yourself that you may have struggled releasing since the last eclipse cycle in your sign.

Don’t allow overthinking to trap your peace of mind. Spend this time pampering yourself. Get some rest. This may be hard, considering you’re quite excited—perhaps anxious—of the unknown pathways you’re about to start venturing onto. Please don’t recoil, however, as you’ll benefit from socializing, spending time with others, or releasing much needed energy into your own pursuits. Just don’t overdo it because you need to build up your energetic capacity for the show. Not holding onto an old part of yourself actually allows you to step into what is rightfully you, Leo.

Virgo (August 23—September 22): Exert your energy into excitement!

Why so serious, Virgo? Seriously, this is not a time you want to take yourself too seriously. This retrograde is taking course in your 12th house of spiritual closure, liberation, and transcendence alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon in your 11th house of sociality, collectivity, and group activity, you may have a lot of opportunities and responsibilities running rampant during this retrograde. Mercury can always get you out of your mojo with the overthinking and over-assuming responsibility, but just don’t. You’ll miss a much needed opportunity for relaxation and fun that just might give you the inspiration (or other “perfect”opportunity) you’ve been looking for.

A lot of shifts have been and are continuing to take place with you. Many of you are moving, or trying to move, whereas others have been in search for better career opportunities or living environments (even locally). However, if it’s already shifting out for you, Virgo, then why exert more energy than necessary? Why waste the energy beating yourself up if you have no idea what will unfold in the coming months? Not needing to nitpick the details allows them to work themselves out, Virgo. Just trust it. It’s the Universe’s timing, not yours.

Libra (September 23—October 22): Put the “pro”in proactive—not procrastination.

Do you have something to share with us, dear Libra? You totally should, but you may feel heightened excitement during this time as your creativity has been on overdrive. Many of you are feeling rather empowered with any creative, artistic, or financial endeavor, especially with the Sun and Moon in your 10th house of career and destiny. This retrograde is taking course in your 11th house of sociality, collectivity, and group activity. A lot of 11th house energy even indicates being inclined to social media or the public; therefore, you may feel rushed to share a new passion with all this eclipse and retrograde energy going on.

However, it’s highly advisable to refine your creative projects, as these retrogrades can also put our attention to detail on overdrive—or, you can channel those tendencies to your benefit and simply be proactive. As you often possess mad talent, go ahead and plan to put yourself out there instead of throwing yourself (and something) together to prove yourself. Not needing to prove your worth to us reveals everything we need to know about you and your capabilities, Libra.

Scorpio (October 23—November 22): Don’t make your power into a paradox.

Remember how I keep telling Scorpios “transform your pain into power” with these outer planet retrogrades? Well, this retrograde is really going to put you to the test, Scorpio. You need not fear, but that’s exactly it… don’t fear. This retrograde is taking place in your 10th house of career and destiny alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following in your 9th house of establishments, spiritual/physical expansion, and institutions, expect either a new career opportunity or a chance to build on any endeavor you may have neglected.

Many of you have in recent weeks been revealed painful truths with your relationships, partnerships, or anything within your inner space taking a financial or emotional hit—if not both. Remember power comes from a place of legitimacy and a strong gravitational center within our core beings. You already hold it down for everyone and aren’t scared to use your depth to either create or destroy. Choose to create. Not needing to exert your power actually helps you reclaim it, dear Scorpio. Embody your empowerment, baby.

Sagittarius (November 23—December 21): Your mojo is magnetic.

Hopefully June was refreshing enough for you to see how blessed you are, Sagittarius. This retrograde is taking place in your 9th house of spiritual/physical expansion, establishments, and institutions alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 8th house of creation, destruction, and transformation, you may have filtered out what does or doesn’t serve your growth anymore to where you’re just “glowing differently” again—or trying to, anyways.

During this time, you may feel more receptive to overwhelming amounts of information, as your intuition may feel heightened. You’re also in tune with your mojo, so don’t kill the bliss just by misconstruing what messages you receive this retrograde. Let the weird juju play itself out and you just might receive unexpected gains and opportunities in the near future. Put those thoughts into existence now. Go travel or do something in nature to raise your vibration—just plan your trip details accordingly. Not needing to make sense of everything helps it all make sense for you, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 23—January 19): Don’t power play yourself.

The only power struggle taking place is with yourself, Capricorn. I’m not here to sugarcoat, as South Node activity hits a bit harshly. This retrograde is taking course in your 8th house of creation, destruction, and transformation alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 7th house of relationships and partnerships, many of you are clinging onto something emotional or anything to do with a long held belief or tradition.

Those who have held true to what’s right and been mindful of shedding self-limiting behavior are bound to reap some generosity from the universe with minor opportunities or much needed connections. In turn, this should empower your faith and allow for more patience. Those more complacent or exploitative in strife of perfection, however, may try over-asserting their legitimacy to where it actually backfires—whether it be scandals, legal trouble, pulling of partnerships or relationship endings. Both manifestations rely on how you internalize your experiences in either a healthy or toxic way. The lunar eclipse and retrograde isn’t asking this of you… it’s demanding it. It’ll go easy on you if you go easy on yourself and others.

Remember when the nodal cycle leaves your sign, that’s when you bear your fruits tenfold. You have exceptional consciousness when you let your Centaur fishtail carry you through tough waters instead of your ego. Not needing power over others actually attracts your sense of legitimacy, Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20—February 18): Optimism feeds your star seeds.

Don’t you dare suppress that star in you, Aquarius. This retrograde is taking place in your 7th house of partnerships and relationships alongside Mars. With your Sun and Moon in your 6th house of self-improvement, health, and skill sets, you may feel a bit self-conscious with your health or in your role of any relationship—whether it be romantic, in the workplace, within a group, etc. Your efforts to grow yourself through creative self-expression or to step out of your comfort zone may have been overlooked by someone who matters to you. Or they didn’t bear the right results, which may feel stagnant.

Because this energy is so hectic for all of us, it’s advisable not to take any of these things personally. A lot of us are going through the motions ourselves. This is a time you may want to communicate to someone about how you feel… but don’t overdo it. Just gently approach them and if they’re receptive, it may be warm and helpful. If they aren’t, then go tend to your space and empower yourself with the activities that give you joy. Not needing to communicate how you feel can speak loudly for you, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19—March 20): Empower your creativity into existence.

Are you Hermit the Frog, Pisces? No, so don’t be a recluse this month. This retrograde is taking place in your 6th house of health, self-improvement, and skill sets alongside Mars. With the Sun and Moon following behind in your 5th house of creativity and self-expression, you may feel timid about the results you’ve achieved in recent weeks with your personal growth and within your career. Despite the negative or positive manifestations possible (especially with Pisceans), the key takeaway for you is not getting stuck in your own head space and/or mental health issues.

A particular self-critical attitude may arise during this retrograde; therefore, you must be mindful of how you let your anxious thoughts drive out any manifestations cooking up. The key is to drive out the negative manifestations, my lovelies. Empower the positive ones into existence. You’re the creative powerhouse– go play with your creative talents or find an outlet that reminds you of how powerful and awesome you really are. Do something that makes you feel good or gives you pure joy. Not needing to tend to your personal space actually attracts what you need into it, Pisces. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Nikki Halsted

NJ Kaiulani. Modern astrologer. Follow IG/TikTok for more content.

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