Things Have A Way Of Working Out
The thing is, human beings, we are incredibly resilient. We have dealt with great pain and heartache and still manage to recover. Sure, maybe we are broken. Maybe we are lost. But my God, do we recover from the terrible things that try to destroy us.
Nikita Gill

Life has a way of working out. I know this probably sounds really cliched and trite to you, but hear me out. Your heart is broken. Because you lost someone you thought would be a forever love. You didn’t get into the university you were so sure about. Your dream crumbled before you. Something terrible happened to you. And everything right now just feels like a horrible mess of “Why is this happening to me?” It seems so uncalled for, so unfair that the universe has decided to punish you this way. You’re a good person, you try to be kind, so why do the people who not try always seem to succeed?
You can lose yourself in that train of thought, carry a dark cloud with you everywhere you go. Hold onto heartache and refuse to let it go because what else is there when all you can see is the darkness? Or you can work on taking the few, and far between good things from this and begin your quest to healing from this great and terrible loss and letting go.
The thing is, human beings, we are incredibly resilient. We have dealt with great pain and heartache and still manage to recover. Sure, maybe we are broken. Maybe we are lost. But my God, do we recover from the terrible things that try to destroy us. We learn, we evolve and we grow from the experience. Sometimes the universe takes the thing that we want the most, the person we love the most at that moment in time because in the long run it would be bad for us. It makes space in our lives for someone or something new that we must grow towards.
It may take time, it may make us suffer, it may make us struggle, but things work out. Your happiest days, even in this terrible moment are ahead of you. Your most joyful times are there, somewhere waiting for you to happen upon them. Life works out. It does, I promise. Even if you don’t believe it right now, believe this: you will be happy again. You will find your joy again. Because things find a way of working out.