21 Powerful One Sentence Reminders To Read When You Are Doubting Your Growth And Healing
Nikita Gill
- You are ocean deep and those that are as shallow as puddles will always dismiss you, misunderstand you, abandon you; all for fear of disappearing in your depths.
- Pain is the body’s way of letting us know something is wrong, pain is also how the universe lets us know that we are in need of spiritual growth.
- Your trauma does not own you and it never will; remember that when it is trying to convince you that you are forever broken.
- Even mightiest hurricanes do not last forever, and eventually will die to nothing but a tiny dust storm, your misery will one day end too.
- No one is allowed to judge the way you choose to let go of your pain and your heartache.
- You owe no one an explanation for who you become after you are traumatised.
- Grieve for as long as you need to and allow the pain some kind of release.
- The best personal growth you will ever have happens in times of extreme personal strife and tragedy.
- The damage does not and will not define you, but it will make you softer, kinder and better if you let it.
- Anything that does not aid you in your growth deserves to be let go.
- You heart deserves better than to be constantly reminded of the things that broke it over and over again.
- The stars didn’t collapse their lungs to breathe life into yours for you to think you are a mistake.
- Your heart was made for braver and better things than the people and the things that broke you.
- When life shows you a cliff over a sea of pain, you have two choices: fly or fall.
- You have saved yourself from drowning every time before this. You will rescue yourself again.
- Perspectives change and life betters once you start treating all of life like it is a series of lessons you must learn.
- Your scars are a warning to all future monsters, of the hell you have survived before them, every demon you vanquished, and every battle you won.
- The greatest lessons you will ever learn; how to love someone without trying to own or belong to them, and how to let go gracefully of the things and the people that hurt you.
- Let go. But only at your own pace and at your own time. Some things need to be mourned before they are let go gracefully.
- Choose the uncomfortable path, even if it means paying for it with your stability because that is how you grow and how you chase your dreams.
- Take this as the sign you are looking for: Yes, you should let go if it’s making you feel that unhappy and yes, you deserve better.