Nicole Vetrano

A writer of creative non-fiction who drinks copious amounts of coffee.
Articles by
Nicole Vetrano
A Series Of Thoughts On Growing Up, Letting Go, And Moving On For Good
The past is behind you. It’s staying right where it’s always been. You can’t recreate it or mold it into something it was never meant to be. The future you’re traveling toward is so much more important than any past experience you’ve ever left behind.
The Day Is Done, And I Find So Much Hope In That
We woke and breathed and fought. We experienced growth one way or another, without even realizing it. We made it through another day.
Stop Saying You Have OCD If You Really Don’t
OCD isn’t an adjective used to describe someone. It’s a legitimate anxiety disorder, a mental illness. One that affects so many people in so many real ways.
7 Completely Terrifying Movies You’ve Probably Never Heard Of (Until Now)
I’ll be honest and say that as a twenty-six year old woman, this documentary made me absolutely terrified of this imaginary being that I really knew nothing about before watching.
On Being The ‘Sensitive Girl’ And Why It’s Okay To Feel Too Much
I’m the Sensitive Girl, the one who feels way too much. But because of that, I’m free.
Read This If You Still Feel Like You’re Waiting For Your Life To Start
You’ll live a thousand lives in the one life you’ve been given, will begin again at so many different points and in so many different ways. So relish each beautiful second.
When You Finally Find Your Forever Person, Don’t Let Go
Such intense and all-encompassing love between two people is so extremely rare, so difficult to find; something that usually only comes around once in a lifetime. It’s normal to feel stuck at times; routine can do that to a person. But instead of looking for something else, remember that there are ways to make it feel new again.
What It Feels Like To Be In Love When You Question Your Own Self-Worth
How can this person ever truly love me when I can’t even love myself?
You Are So Much More Than The Mistakes You’ve Made
Behind every successful person is a path at least partly cemented with regret for what could have been, but ultimately never came to be because of a mistake that was made.
Here’s To The Endings, And The New Beginnings To Come
We need to start reminding ourselves, teaching each other, that endings are always going to happen. But that with endings come rebirths.
Take Your Time In Finding The Love You Deserve
You’ll eventually find love that sticks, love that is mutual and promising. But take your time. Not everyone finds the love that finally feels right while they’re in their twenties.
You’re Worth All Of the What-Ifs and Risks That I’m Terrified Of Taking
Because love is what cements hope and passion into the space between two people, is what is able to fulfill realized expectations—ones of dedication and faithfulness and patience.
Even Though I Miss You, I’m Glad We’re Not Friends Anymore
I hate to admit it, even to myself, but I miss having you around. Or, at least, I miss the idea of you.
I’m So Sorry That I Didn’t Get To Say Goodbye
You left the earth without your daughter; I was not there to see you off, I did not get to say goodbye.